I'm thinking w/those talons as long as they are and those birds grabbing whatever part they can get a hold of multiple times is like a knife going in several places, lungs, vitals etc.
Can't say that ive ever saw anything cooler than that. I would also bet that atleast a few of those times those wolves handed those eagles their asses !
When the ban on guns goes through, I'm gettin a F'in Eagle for Protection. XD. They can ban the Desert Eagle, But they can't ban wild ones! lol. In any case, watching this vid (3times). I dig that part with the Bird cam. It's like watching the cams they put on missles when they launch them. Lol. Simply amazing.
Very cool Will..wow, golden eagles are huge! The only eagles Ive ever seen in the wild were 2 male bald eagles in south central Indiana, while hunting some river bottoms.. Beautiful creatures
:huh: How close were you??? The reason I ask is, the male and female look the same. Only the males are a bit smaller.
This just in from Homer: http://redoubtreporter.blogspot.com/2009/03/bald-eagle-carries-off-puppy-owner.html Apparently the artificially inflated bald eagle population is getting vicious. Nasty sky rats! (As you can tell, I have little respect for these garbage scrounging excuses for a national symbol. Franklin was right about choosing the wild turkey instead.)