This is an absolutely incredible video! I wish I would have had this back in 1992. Back then, I got into a huge debate with PETA moldables over whether or not eagles killed bears (cubs). This is pretty convincing!
Infreakingcredible!!!!!!!! I've saw footage of eagles killing kits In the mountains by picking them up and dropping them down the mountain but never have I saw anything like this!!! Wow Is all i can say!!
Huck, that was simply incredable. Just when you thought one wolf was gettting the best of the eagle, his buuddy steps in to even it up.
Sweet video, thanks for sharing. I am just thinking about the few Bald Eagles I have seen in the wild before, I gotta go see how the Golden Eagle compares in size. They look massive pouncing on a wolf, I know that for sure! Absolutely powerful creature as well.....pinning down a wolf like that takes some brute strength. I remember seeing a series of pictures of a Bald Eagle picking the hind end of a coyote up off the ground as it was feeding on a deer carcass. I guess the Eagle didn't think the coyote should be stealing it's dinner. :D
Bald Eagles are considerably smaller. Really? You haven't seen that many in the wild? That sucks. We see them all the time here. My dad and I were up fishing when I was younger, and I got to watch a pair do the air dance thing they do when they are mating.
Pretty cool Will! Tourists lose a few lap dogs to bald eagles up here every year but bald eagles wouldn't even compare to whatever those birds were. The damn flying rats are too busy eating dead humpys and diving in dumpsters.
To date, only including those I have seen in the wild, not captivity, I've seen probably 3-4 bald eagles. I consider myself lucky as I feel the only reason I have seen them is because of the IL river and there nesting patterns near bodies of water.
Thats Crazy. I didn't think we were far enough apart to make that big of a difference. I don't know if there has been a day gone by that I hadn't seen one. Please tell me that you guys have the small hawks that sit on the side of the Highways, at least? Those things are funny.
Red-tails? Funny thing, they almost disappeared around here. Now, much like you and eagles, I cant't hardly go a day driving through the country without seeing one.
Yeah, I wasn't sure. The Am. Kestrel I don't recall if I have seen any. Not to say they aren't around, more like, I probably didn't know what I was looking at when I may have seen one.
That was fricking awesome! Holy cow, them birds have got huge talons! Unbelievable they whacked them wolves liked that.
Sparrow Hawks, Coopers Hawks, and every once in a while we get a Red Tail. But most of the time it is one of the first two. The freaky part, they aren't always in the country. I see them a lot in the city. Just sittin on light posts, and what not. Anything to give them elevation. My dad has a really good pic of the Coopers Hawk that decided to spend the afternoon in the backyard. THey live in the suburbs. But they have two bird feeders that are frequented quite often. Last season, we (both) had a Cooper's Hawk, try to eat us while bowhunting. That was kind of freaky. I guess he saw our eyes? He sat on a branch about 5 feet away from me, and squaked for two minutes. I just sat there and watched him. I didn't want to blink, and be the only person in history to be attacked by a frickin' hawk. lol. I have also had a very close encounter with a Great Horned Owl in this way. He sat in front of me (3 feet or so) and stared at me. I never realized how big they were. 8(
This was way too choppy for me to watch at work (too much going on), but I saw that scene and WOW. Also, from what I noticed the birds tend to come from behind and sweep out the back legs. Is that what everyone else got? Like I said, I couldn't watch the whole video here. Did anyone notice how they were primarily killing the wolves? I would of thought eye shots, but the one scene I saw was a dead wolf w/ intact eyes.
That is an awesome video, Golden eagles are bad ass. They have been found at weights up to 17lbs and there was a story of one up to 20lbs. Also some guy in South America trained one to kill horses. Crazy strong birds. I wish they would take care of a few wolf problems in Northern WI.
From what I gather, the eagles attack the head and crush the nose/sinus region. I think they literally suffocate the wolves with their huge powerful telons