Me I went out today with the great post(s) of gizz I had picked out a morning spot and was ready to go. Hiked through the woods set up the climber got in the tree pulled up the bow release! I keep it on the D loop well at least I did. Not 5mins goes by and ive had rut seens and 8 point bucks running through my mind all week, let alone my first bow kill. Just after I got done setting up prolly around 6am still dark for another hour an a half I hear deer coming in to my right I stay posted and pray for shoting light. One hour later the sun is up just enough for me to see what is comin in 4 does. So here I am thinking I caught a break the wind is right ive set up a perfect stand location they wouldve come right to me ....then out of no where here comes the monster buck of a lifetime a spike and spooks em all. I then procede to sit there until 11am without a sign climb down and decide to switch to the other side of the property. I put my climber at the base of the tree go to the truck strip down and go get my self some lunch. 130 im back in the stand at 230 things are slow so I say now is a good time to play some games on my phone ....not 3 doe running up I heard them coming a ways off and was able to adjust. The mother stops to my left on a hill side bench while I coulda had better stand placement I was like a rock at full draw they stopped the mother put here nose in the air and then moved forward like everything was ok and then stopped again. At this point I know what was going on she smelled something she didnt like and me just like every hunter I am real anal about my scent I take the whole 9 yds in I guessing it was the estrus spooked em. 3 hrs later I am doing nothing but getting pics of a 6pt and a massive buck my buddy saw on one of his farms...then from a different angle here come the does that busted me earlier ...they pop around the corner at 30yds but the shot is iffy so I wait for a lane. Then mr. red fox comes running through and spooks them all away. I pulled out the grunt call and hit it really hard so it sounded like something dieing he stops ....thump one right behind the blade I know I bought that permit for a reason...Anyway moral is first bow kill with perfect shot at 25yds.