Just thought I'd share something you guys might find kinda cool.. I used to be a big UFC fan, I don't really watch it anymore. Anyway, Rich Franklin was my teacher in High School... Oak Hills High School, in Bridgetown, just outside of Cincinnati, OH.. All of the loud mouth punks shut their mouths when they walked into his class ...But actually, he was just a goofball, really laid back. I bet he's happier with his paychecks now compared to what Oak Hills School District was paying him:D. The last time I watched a UFC fight was over a year ago, the old teach was getting pounded by Silva if I remember correctly.
that is freaking awesome!! we have a wrestling coach that tried out for the ultimate fighter, but hit an injury couple days before the qualifying fights, still thats freaking awesome bowman!!
Yea, as soon as he started getting big and people were interested in him, he quit teaching and went all out into fighting. I wanna watch his next fight, its been awhile. I don't know who the top dogs are in the UFC anymore, but I bet Silva is still a bad mofo..