I applied for a job today with the local sheriff's office. I have to get something soon. About to go out of my mind.
I'm a criminal justice major/academy student and I know how stiff the competition is out there. I'm pullin' for ya, IA. Best of luck!
Thanks guys. This is for a jailer job. I would still have to go to the academy. Not sure if I can hack that at 40.
You could do it if you desire. I know of someone older than us to hack out the academy twice for Saint Paul Police Dept. Interesting job being a jailer. I worked as a custodian at one part-time and it was always interesting to see the people and animals that end up there.
Well, I must have passed their test. Which any 5th grader could have passed. I got a call today and I have an interview next wednesday. Seriously, the test was super easy. Questions like, Mary has 47 pets, 12 cats, 6 dogs, 20 rabbits, and fish. How many fish does she have. Or, what is a noun? And my favorite one, What is Iowa's state tree. The three choices on the tree question were pine, oak, or wood. I really hope the interview is a little more challenging.
Go get em IA! I wish you the best of luck getting the job. I remember applying for our county's police department years ago. We had a 100 question test that was fairly challenging. I passed but chose not to pursue the police department due to a few factors. I was a week out from entering the academy before I called the recruiting officer. Now that I look back on it, the more I wish I would have gone through the academy. But oh well, life moves in weird directions. Good luck.