Spring is upon us and one of Wisconsins best bowhunting clubs is having their Spring Traditional Shoot-April 21st and 22nd. Come shoot our beautiful wooded acreage and experience one of the best courses in the Midwest. Realistic shooting yardages with markers placed by traditional bowhunters, and 28 3-D shooting stations featuring 56 Rinehart targets, plus a broadhead range with Glen Del Bucks, and a goliath shooting platform on our practice range, Novelty shoots,including a motorized "running deer" Visit our clubhouse for Breakfast and Lunch. We offer camping with electricity. All Traditional vendors are welcome. Dinner provided for any vendors staying into the evening. This promises to be one of the best shoots this year. Email me for a scanned copy of our flyer. [email protected] 262-719-2386 (Mark Wissler) Adults $10 Juniors $5 Cadets are FREE http://ojibwabowandarrow.tripod.com/ Ojibwa Bowhunters 3045 S. Johnson Road New Berlin, WI Clubhouse ph 262-547-9592(rarely answered except on shoot days and Wed night leagues)
How I would love to go Joe!! 7 hours and 6 minutes Is quite the hike though. One of these years I'll make a weekend out of it and just do it.
Might try to make it up for this. Will know in a few days! Sent from my Droid X2 using Tapatalk and yes I shoot a Hoyt *****es!
Yeah Steve sure would be fun to shoot with ya! FYI, we are hosting the PBS Odd Year Gathering again next summer, think about it!
Was really hoping to make it but kids activities have popped up. Hope you have a great shoot and turnout! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2