Sort of... In Oneida County but heading over to cabin in Sawyer County for the opener. Good luck to all and be safe!
Wish I could be in the stand tommorow morning but unfortunately can't. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
I am on the eastern end of the state and its all but stopped here. I would think most areas if not all of the state will be just fine for the evening sit.
We had a fantastic weekend. Saturday morning and saturday afternoon had deer everywhere. Saw deer every sit, alot of small bucks and does hammering the food plots. My dad had 12 deer in the plot he was sitting at one time. I saw a nice two year old with alot of pitential and later i saw a solid four year old shooter we call twin cities, probably in the 140 range. Tons of rain today so we didnt go out but the plots will benifit from the rain. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4
Back home after a slow opener... Looks like rain all day, so we made the right call. Morning hunt, buddy and were spaced about 400 yards apart on woods a pasture bordered by corn. Ingress to the stands in the dark was noisy as heck. Decided to walk aroun d the edge of the corn and ran into 4 fallen trees and a pile of fallen corn stalks. We prolly spooked every deer in three counties. 0930 a fawn comes running in with her tail in the air. She finally settles down and starts milling around at about 60 yards out. After 10 minutes she closed to about 35 yards with a broadside. Let one fly and undershot with a clean miss. Time to buy a range finder. Evening hunt only saw a Forky while packing up after last shooting light.
I will only get in 1 hunt (last night) this weekend but it was eventful. I'm wishing I didn't have obligations to fish this morning or traveling to do tonight so I could of hunted another two times. Regardless had a good hunt. 7 deer and 5 bucks. Best buck was a 130 inch 9 that we call 2014.
Hey Everyone, Trevor here. Im from SW WI. I hunt in the Muscoda, Highland, and Dodgeville areas. Anyone close?
None to speak of. Saw a lone doe Saturday night at my cabin. Came home Sunday afternoon and saw a small 6, 2 does, and a 4 or 5 point.... From my deck. Lol. One of the does was the biggest doe I've ever seen. I had to get binoculars out to make sure she didn't have anything up top. And she was only 50 yards away. Lol. How bout you?
nothing... i was only able to sit Saturday afternoon and i have some work to do to make my spot more accessible this week. A lot of action on camera though. And 50 yards... easy! lol
I saw 11 opening morning and 3 opening night. One 7 pointer and the rest were does. Didn't hunt Sunday because of the rain. I think all of the hinge cutting we did this winter in bedding areas are really making a positive impact. The hinge cutting combined with the addition of a radish food plot in the valley should be enough to really improve the property and hold more deer. So far, so good.