Curious about anyone in wisconsin if they hunt during high winds....suppose to be 25-30mph winds tomorrow all day and i was thinking of goin out to try and get another shot at the one i missed friday...but with winds that high idk what movement would be like...i looked up but most was for other states and im curious about the movement in wisconsin during days like this...thanks
Was wondering the same thing, I was out Saturday morning right before the storms but it was getting windy, only deer I saw was a nice shooter buck but he was out in the open in the crp cruising right along about 10 in the morning, maybe they feel safer in the opening because all the branches and trees and noise in the woods makes them nervous. Scoot
I was thinking heading to the stand in the afternoon. Maybe by then the winds will die down. But I have seen zero deer when the winds are bad. I think they wait til dark to start moving or if not they wait out the winds and bed down where they feel safe.
I work alot in the wind for the power company. I wouldnt sit in a tree stand. You wouldnt believe the damege from trees. The trees moving that much could easily stress your hang on stands and with your extra weight on it, its dangerous. Be safe and use common sense. Brush yourself in on the ground or something.