On 11/11 I hunted a new spot in southern WI. I encountered what I believe 150 class buck. I first saw him in a swamp, he then worked a wood edge. While he was making a scrape and bumping does around, I grunted and rattled. He came right at me crossing a large soy bean field. I couldn't get a shot at him while in the field at 40 yards. He then proceeded to go in the woods on the other side of the beans( opposite side he came from). Not 10 minutes after the monster disappeared into the woods, the land owner/farmer came driving past no more than 30 yards from me. I decided to pack up and talk to him right where I was sitting to pretty much tell him to not do this again but in a polite way. I have about 4 days until gun hunting in Wis. My question is... Do I hunt same spot? What are the odds he will be back and take the same path?
More mobile the better chance in this situation I would say. He probably would not of walked by you had you not called him in. Hunt the location and by that hunt the wind.
Last time I checked gun season will not start until the 23rd. that's 11 days from now. Are you in a special location where hunting starts earlier?
I new it started the 23rd. I thought we had that 1 week "buffer time" in there to let things settle. But I just looked it up, and it closes on the 21rd. I feel a little better now. Rut is just starting.
pretty late start this year for rut...and now its very cold which makes the long sit hard too do...best of luck people!