Not to bad here in Milwaukee county either. After the board vote, the PETA folks just up and left, which was nice!
I'm curious as to who all went, there are a lot of Wisconsin boys on here, lets here it, did you go and vote???
yea we voted, a buddy of mine started the resolution of making 62B is shawano county go from shotgun to rifle and it won so were pumped!!!!170-41 or somthin like that
I could not attend. Rememeber 88 it is only a recommendation so lets see if they approve it which I also hope they do. Results: I do not see #64 do away with the earn a buck season passing at all.
no the shotgun thing is a law now, this was the third year it was voted on. it wont be affective until 2010 though. yeah idk if they will pass that or not,a lot of people are fed up with the EAB but i can't see them getting rid of it either.