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Wisconsin DNR wants to kill all the freakin deer!

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Bukmastr, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. gunther89

    gunther89 Weekend Warrior

    Jun 10, 2010
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    I do believe hunters are still bagging Pope and Young and Boone and Crockett deer in the CWD zone. The reason Buffalo county has more is because most of the land up there is either owned by Outfitters or leased out. Many people up there practice QDM and know if they let a 2.5 year old buck walk he will most likely make it another year. And what the DNR doesn't get is that there are going to be areas where deer are always going to be over populated but for the most part many hunters within the CWD aren't seeing many deer. I had to struggle to find a doe to shoot to earn my buck tag and I feel guilty shooting her because I know the deer herd can't handle that.
  2. headstrong

    headstrong Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 11, 2010
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    southeast wisconsin
    benu009 you must be a different member here and are using a new name because you didnt want to get blasted. so why dont you man up and use your real name.
  3. Cuervo

    Cuervo Newb

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Look, the DNR has it's faults, but this isn't one of them. I suggest you actually research and understand CWD before you start blasting them. In my opinion they should have done this years ago, there is no other option to try and contain it.

    I would also suggest you look up the deer harvest numbers from past years, in the 60's and 70's, the hunetr success ratio was lower than it is now. If you started hunting in the late 80's and the 90's, you're spoiled because of the large deer herd that had developed.

    Like I said, the DNR has certainly screwed up, but the deer herd numbers will eventually come back, it's all cyclical. In the meantime, it will make you a better hunter and you'll actually learn to appreciate it more when you do take a deer.
  4. gunther89

    gunther89 Weekend Warrior

    Jun 10, 2010
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    How the hell will the deer herd come back when they want to kill every deer? I've read that it can take up to like 15 years for the contaminated soil to be completely clean of CWD. Hunters aren't gonna wait 15 years to go after deer.

    Your right I am very thankful now when I shoot a doe because they have become an endangered species in my area I hunt and this is in the CWD zone. Explain to me how having a buck to doe ratio of 2:1 or even 3:1 is good for the herd.
  5. headstrong

    headstrong Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 11, 2010
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    southeast wisconsin
    i love it 2 guys come out of no where just to chime in on wdnr issues. DAMAGE CONTROL...
  6. Fitz

    Fitz Legendary Woodsman

    Dec 27, 2008
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    Ely, MN
    This is very true. I am by no means siding with the WIDNR, but I do think that the entire state got spoiled with the record high populations in the 90's. Populations that high, simply are not healthy for deer or the environment that they live in.

    Here's an idea, introduce wolves to the southern part of the state, they'll weed out all the weaker CWD deer;)
  7. Cuervo

    Cuervo Newb

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Headstrong, I'm just new to the forum/ agenda here. I'm just tired of morons like you spouting off about crap you know nothing about.

    Gunther, would you rather them do nothing and have the entire State herd contaminated? This is a big State, go hunt somewhere else if there "aren't any deer" where you are. As I mentioned, my guess is that you and Headstrong have only hunted since deer were populated in this State like freaking squirrels. You probably don't have the ability or knowledge to actually scout and figure out where the deer are now that you actually have to. As I said in my other post, it will make you better hunters in the long run.
  8. headstrong

    headstrong Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 11, 2010
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    southeast wisconsin
    you are spouting off crap. again as i posted before. there is no way in telling what deer are infected. unless you open up there head. that would mean you need to kill every deer in wisconsin and even at that how do you know it wouldn't come back. other states have cwd which would mean they need to kill all there deer too. opps missed one. 20 years later when the deer population comes back (maybe) they have cwd all over again. try to kill them all again? now just recently the state has been asking for your deer head to examine them for the cwd. which mean they basically just started testing for it. how long has cwd been in the state? maybe its been here as long as man has walked the earth. you or a scientist cant prove jack. so leave it up to you liberals to come into forums like these to say we should kill all the dear so there will be no more hunting season and that's going to make me a better hunter. lol your a joke. the only thing the drn should be doing is asking the farmers and the hunter of this state is to kill the deer you see acting crazy. so stop telling us we need to shoot every deer in the state for the couple who have it. please don't even worry about it like fritz said the wolves will eat them all anyways. they've already been stopped in the southern parts of the state and we have all seen what they can do to the northern half. again thx wdnr for bringing the wolf back you guys are full with great ideas. i hope after this election a mass firing happens in the wdrn for mismanaging our states best natural resource...
  9. gunther89

    gunther89 Weekend Warrior

    Jun 10, 2010
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    CWD won't spread throughout the whole state. CWD has probably been around longer then what people think it has been. And if I remember correctly a researcher from Michigan said at the spring hearing in Madison that Wisconsin could have a population of roughly 3 million deer and we would be ok. How can this be?

    And that's a pretty brave statement saying that I probably don't have the ability or knowledge to actually scout and figure out where deer are. Between my cousin and I we have 14 stands set up in about the best possibilities to see deer and I am out during winter, spring, summer and fall looking for areas where deer seem to be moving through. I hunt in the farm country not the big woods, farm country has the food that can hold more deer then the big woods.

    I'm sick and tired of people sticking up for our pathetic DNR. They have flat out ruined deer hunting in the state. Do you ever read some of the stuff they put out there like they say hunting should be great with weather in the 20's for opening day of gun season and then after opening weekend numbers are down they come up with some stupid excuse as to why numbers are down.
  10. headstrong

    headstrong Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 11, 2010
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    southeast wisconsin

    so what your trying to say here is.
    its ok to have low numbers of deer because in the 70's numbers were low. so we should wipe out the herd to have even lower number of deer in the state. i've already sat in stand for 4 straight days with 4 buddies if different locations and haven't SEEN a deer. i think were already there buddy.
  11. Cuervo

    Cuervo Newb

    Sep 29, 2010
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    "I'm just tired of morons like you spouting off about crap you know nothing about. "

    Thanks to both of you for posting and proving my point.
  12. benu0009

    benu0009 Newb

    Oct 18, 2010
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    I'm not selling anything buddy; my name is Tony Benusa and I'm just a new member to the forums. Looks like it wasn't too long ago that you were a new member. Is this the same welcome that was extended to you?

    I also completely disagree that infected deer don't exhibit symptoms of the disease. Which means that you probably don't realize that all infected deer will eventually die from the disease. Here is a link to a description of the effects from an independent organization that is dedicated researching and managing CWD:

    Destroying all of the affected animals in an area is the same course of action that farmers have to take with their heards when their cows get "Mad cow diesase" which is the bovine form of CWD. Let's say it does take 15 years to get the heard knocked down and built back up. I'd rather it take that long to solve the problem than look back 15 years from now with even higher numbers of infected animals and wish that we would have done something to stem the issue eariler.

    Gunther...I get what you're saying about not seeing a lot of deer. That has been the case on my family's land as well. I don't think that anyone is excited that the pickings are going to slim for a while, just as the farmer isn't excited when he has to destroy his heard. Hopefully the plan is a success and CWD is an issue that my kids and grand kids don't have to worry about when they start hunting.
  13. gunther89

    gunther89 Weekend Warrior

    Jun 10, 2010
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    Now I don't know what I'm talking about, well tell me Cuervo why places I register deer aren't taking samples of the brain, tonsils or lymph nodes to tell if my deer has CWD? I know of at least 5 places within a 30 minute drive that register deer in the CWD zone that don't test for it. If this disease is going to kill off every deer then why don't the DNR get off there lazy butts and start going to more registration stations and testing deer?
  14. headstrong

    headstrong Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 11, 2010
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    southeast wisconsin
    benu009 quote: I also completely disagree that infected deer don't exhibit symptoms of the disease. Which means that you probably don't realize that all infected deer will eventually die from the disease. Here is a link to a description of the effects from an independent organization that is dedicated researching and managing CWD: benu009 quote

    i never said they dont show signs of having the disease. 100% of the deer that have this disease dont show signs of it until a certain point. then, like i said in my other post. they act like a crazy deer. since you have all the correct number. how many cases of mad cow disease are there in wisconsin?

    how long has cwd been in wisconsin? please no guesses or this is when we started testing for it. i need a factual year.
    do we also need to kill everyone else's deer? because there is no way this strategy would ever work. since you couldn't kill ever deer in this state or the next. so i guess your plan to wipe out the deer herd would never work. your 15 years is looking more like a life time. well then again i could be wrong. if we builds a 10 foot high fence all the way around the wisconsin boarded then kill all the deer and then start shipping deer in from some uninfected state and HOPE they dont have any diseases. it will work. i see the light.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  15. headstrong

    headstrong Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 11, 2010
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    southeast wisconsin
    funny i was think the same thing.
  16. benu0009

    benu0009 Newb

    Oct 18, 2010
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    The first documented case of CWD in Wisconsin was 2001. I can't tell you, without a little research, when they started testing for it. I think that's an interesting question though.

    I can tell you that since they've be documenting CWD in the Wisconsin herd in 2001 the percentage of infected animals, primarily in southern Wisconsin, has risen dramatically.

    The second half of your statement goes back to my original point. The plan isn't to "kill all the freakin deer" in Wisconsin. It is to kill enough deer in the CWD zone, an area that they have deemed to have unhealthy percentages of CWD, in an effort to keep that area from growing any larger.
  17. benu0009

    benu0009 Newb

    Oct 18, 2010
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    The DNR started actively testing for CWD in 1999 when elk that were being imported into the state were found to be from a farm that had experienced CWD infection.
  18. headstrong

    headstrong Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 11, 2010
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    southeast wisconsin
    i still dont get it then. kill most of the deer. which wont get rid of cdw so when the herd number comes back up. we'll have to do it all over again. does that even make sense? that plan wouldnt even stop the spread of cwd. btw the percentages of deer that have cwd which you say is 12% couldnt even be close to right. dnr test deer that are turn in from hunters. so if you see a deer not acting right you would more than likely turn that head in. then you got a few random people who turn them in just because. how can you get a factual number that way? the only way to get the right % of deer that have cwd is that everyone turn their heads in for testing. so that 12% is blown way out of proportion.
  19. benu0009

    benu0009 Newb

    Oct 18, 2010
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    I'm sure you're a great guy. I don't see us making a lot of headway here. So, I'm gonna agree to disagree and move on to topics that are less controversial.
  20. PABuck_HNTR

    PABuck_HNTR Weekend Warrior

    Jul 24, 2008
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    NW PA
    This thread is looking like the PA threads from a few years back. The only difference is this is talking about CWD and PA was using the habitat to push their deer kill numbers.

    Hey Guys, We still have deer in PA, although not the numbers most were used to in the 90's as others have stated. Our deer are healthier and our bucks are getting bigger. The days of "deer behind every tree" are over.

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