Hey folks, the drawing results for Wisconsin Bear tags are out on the DNR website! With 4 points, no tag for me... Good luck!
I wonder how many points it took this year. I believe they increased the number of tags by around 50%.
Yeah Steve, its a drag but thats hunting! Dan, I have heard guys drawing with 4 and 5 points this year! I also have a few buddies that have 8 and didn't get a tag, it all depends on what unit your going for! I'm holding out for zone B so its gonna take a few years! I'm hoping to draw in the next 2 years for my place in Michigan!
I know one person this year was his first year putting in and he got drawn for a tag, he was in the shop the other day asking people to bait for him lol.
Yeah, I hear ya Dan, the way I understand the lottery is that you won't even get put in until you have a certain number of points depending on the unit. I'm curious as to what unit he drew in??
Joe, its not a lottery. There is no way someone with 0 points could be drawn before someone with more. They gave out more tags this year, but not that many. Some units were up to 8 points last year. I'm curious as to how many it took this year in those. Edit: From what I understand, the only part that is a lottery is when there are tags left over for those with enough points. i.e. if everyone with 7+ gets one and there isn't enough for everyone with 6 points, then there is a lottery between everyone with 6 points.
What unit have you been applying for Tony. I should note that I have 0 points. Once I bought the camp in Ontario and could hunt bears every year, if I choose, I quit applying down here.
What unit have you been applying for Tony? I should note that I have 0 points. Once I bought the camp in Ontario and could hunt bears every year, if I choose, I quit applying down here.
Yep, thats what I was thought as well Dan! So someone with 0 - 5 points will not even be in the lottery?? Correct??
Thanks for the info bro! I read in some units that guys were drawing with 4 points, I holding out for zone B...:d
I love living in a no-quota area:D All I have to do is go buy my tag and go hunting. I can even shoot two! :D