I use winter wheat or rye or oats as a cover crop to get my clover and alfalfa started. I then bush hog it in late August and have a great crop of clover/alfalfa to hunt over. I will try and plant a winter wheat or rye in a corn field to give some greenery for the deer to feed on in late fall and early spring but those crops are essentially an annual crop.
NO, it may survive one clipping if clipped tall. It's an annual crop. Why not just use grass? Throw a mix of Timothy, Orchard grass, red and white clover on it. It'll be good for whatever wants to browse around in it.
If you use rye , wheat or triticale and mow in spring then late fall after it has gone to seed. The seeds that you bush hogged may reseed it self as volunteer but t like said its a one time seed annual