So I am going this afternoon and its blowing a little bit 10-12 mph. Gusting to 18mph. Wonder if I should change my stand placement to see into the lower hallows around the fields. AKA - do deer tend to take the low road when wind is up to 18mph?
I wouldn't want to be in a place where the wind was swirling. Otherwise I'd hunt the wind. Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
I hunt a climber so I move every time. (poor boy here) I have AREAS or SPOTS but no fav stand. The wind direction is ok for the spot I am planning - just didn't know if deer would be moving in the bottom of the hollow putting them 30 yard out of range
It's helpful to carry wind indicator with you at all times. What I do is fill a little squirt bottle with baby powder and you blow it out of the bottle to show the wind's direction. It also doesn't have very much of a scent and it like disintegrates before it hits the ground
Generally if deer are using a specific trail, they will continue to use that trail no matter what the wind is doing ...they may delay their travel in a Gail force The quickest way to make them change their pattern is to hunt with a bad wind. I use a ten in piece of black yarn on my stabilizer. Sent from my DROID X2