Pikeing is where you shorten the limb to gain poundage. Trapping is angleing the limb from back to belly like I done with yours to lose weight. Just got them done and they have now fallen 2lb lite of the weight I was aiming for So the specs will be 53lb @ 27 3/4" 64" NtN
Ok the limbs have been in and out of the box from the tip overlays and they are back in the box with the butt overlays. ( note to self get more spring clamps):d While they where in the box I got the riser roughed shaped. Sorry I forgot to take pics before I started to shape but remembered to get some 1/2 way through. After more sanding she looks like this. Thats about all I am gonna do with power tools from here on in all sanding will be done by hand
Well I have the tips all but complete just have to do the grooves and feather the phenolic in. Will post pics tomorrow when I get them complete.
Awesome Russ, Sorry I missed your call today-had meetings all day. The bow looks superb! I think I'm in love and I haven't even felt her yet! Hey Dave..."trapping", eh mate?
Russ, that riser is awesome... This is the most educational thread I think I've seen on this site. Very very cool!
Here are 3 pics of 1 of the limbs from butt to tip so ya'll can see the beautiful grain in the BW. The tip still needs about another 1/2 hour or so filing the string groove the pic was taken after 20 minutes of filing. People have also asked me why it is important to get the wedge paper thin. I think this pic say's it all
Got up bright and early to beat the heat and here is the result of 5 hours sanding on the riser working my way from 60 grit to 320 grit paper. You guy's are gonna cream ya pants when I perform some magic and bring out the true colors when I apply the finish. :d But now it is time for a coffee and to relax and let my hands recover from all the sanding.
I am loving that riser , the grain is awesome . Will , That riser is gonna look awesome oiled up and the Limbs look pretty special too . I like the antler limb tips , real sweet Russ... reeeeaaaal sweet .
Dave. I have not long finished sanding in the first coat and she is drying. Trust me your gonna love the transformation I do too but talk about a pain to file, I spoke with Will last night and told him I screwed up one of the tips. In the above pic you can see a chip came off the groove Thanks mate I sure appreciate it.
Oh my do I like that Russ!!!!!!!! One of the best looking risers I've ever seen. The pics were well worth the wait bud.
Steve. Thanks mate I surely appreciate it. Just a quick update. The riser is soaking up the finish like there is no tomorrow just got done sanding it back to wood for the 7th time and putting coat number 8 on it. Hopefully this coat should finish sealing the pours. Matter of fact the more finish it soaks up the better the grain is showing plus the colors are more rich and vibrant.
Well after 10 coats the finish stopped soaking in. I still have to sand it down and give her another couple of coats then buff it with 0000 steel wool and paste wax. Here are the same before pics with the after pics for each angle so ya'll can see the difference. Before After.
Jeff. I am proud of her I just hope Will is. Yeah some of the grain gets covered by the limbs but with the limb butt overlays being edge grain Tigerwood more than makes up for the lose. Here she is put together for the pic. I'll post more pics when she is all finished, I will let the finish completely harden for a day or so before I do any more to her.
Russ, I ended up spending one more day at the mountain house than expected. My 8 year old daughter and I were having a grand time zooming around on the ATVs and catching trout-truly a special father daughter weekend. The bow looks absolutley beautiful. I am very impressed with the tiger wood-tons of character! No worries on the chip...that's a battle scar between you and the deer. I wouldn't have it any other way! I am excited! Dave, Gary needs broadheads. I will get your arrows and his heads all together and send them...
That Is something, I can't believe how awesome that looks!!! Infrickingcredible!!!! Is that a word?? You the man Russ, outstanding work!!!
Russ Good grief , what a beauty that riser turned out . I'm more than impressed by that grain , She looks absolutely stunning . Will Thanks Mate , could you make it 2xDozen of the 200's and leave the 300's ( found half dozen i forgot about ). All unfletched , but with nocks and inserts please my good fellow :d :d . Your bow looks amazing , good choice on the tigerwood for sure . ( what broadheads is Gary having ? ) .