I have been getting a picture of this buck that on the one side is just a straight point... I was wondering what you guys thought about it..whether he broke it while in velvet, or if this is just how it will continue to grow every year...
If it doesn't this summer, I'd say he's doomed to be a half spike forever, but he could grow just fine this year.
It is hard to tell by looking at the picture. It would be nice if you had some video or could actually see the deer to find out if he had some kind of injury that may be causing the antler growth problem. I agree with Fitz, if he is like that again this summer, he will likely never have anything else.
In Texas that is considered a cull buck. The TDW says they will always be that way so they make it legal to kill in areas with antler restrictions. Just to help with your question, I personally don't know.