Ok, I may be able to type pretty well and I can poke around on BHC with the best of them, but I'm really pretty much computer illiterate. I bought the family a Wii today, and for the life of me I cannot get it to connect to the internet. During set up, I've used the PIN code on my wireless router as well as my network password, and it will simply not connect. It does do something though.....Every time I try it totally wigs out my router and I need to power it down to regain my internet conncection......I am assuming this is some type of security feature......It is a G+ router, if that helps anybody.....Maybe it's not compatible with the Wii??? Their website is positively worthless.....
Did you try this website http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-online/5820-official-wii-wireless-internet-connection-guide.html
True, but when connected you can download old school Nintendo games like Mario Bros, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and even some Sega Genesis games like the original Sonic the Hedgehog.
I had no issues with mine. I gave it the the security information and the password and away it went!!
Well son of a........What's the difference here I wonder????? I entered my security info, and it can't connect...WTF?? Old school games is precisely why I want to hook it up.... Is there something I'm doing wrong? It does appear, though, that this is not an umcommon problem w/ the Wii....
Get a 360, and use a neighbors signal? That's how I get XBox Live? And that's how I get to come on here, and annoy you people...