This year my wife has decided that she wants to take a crack at bowhunting. Im excited and so is she, but I am no expert. We purchased a bow and she is shooting great. I have a question though, do you think she should shoot a fixed or mechanical broadhead? Im worried that when she gets "the fever" she might make a sub-par shot, so I want her to have the best chance of killing not wounding the animal. She is shooting a Mathews Jewel 25in draw, about 40 lbs. Thx in advance!
First off good luck to you and your wife this season. Personally I think she should shoot a fixed head. Seems like her KE will be pretty low with that set-up and a fixed would be the best choice.
Fixed blade. This will be my 18th season with my wife as my hunting buddy. There are ups and downs and highs and lows. Good luck and have fun !