I had to wait for 45 minutes while this buck stood kiddie corner from me in the bean field only 60 yds away. My hands got so cold w/ the drizzle and wind I had to rehang my bow until he started to make a move towards me. Finally he started to come over to my shooting lane , but still painfully slow. Then two more steps and he was there, I drew, he looked over not sure what he was looking at, but it was to late for him. I released he ran 40 yds, stopped, started to lay down and flopped over. It was a great downward angle 17yd shot double lung shot. The back end of the arrow broke off inside and the broadhead still continued to pass through and enter the soil 8 inches deep. A great 10 point, I couldn't be happier! I had to take him to the processer right away so I removed the head to get a Euro mount done. I'll get it back in a few weeks and tally up the score.