This &$^# infuriates me! WTF is Obama doing involving himself in a simple arrest for disorderly conduct? Then turns the thing into a racial issue? Seriously. To read complete and utter BS... click here Then of course, he was proposed the question as to whether or not he and his family would give up their current health care program and join the new 'Universal Health Care Program.' Osama ignored the question entirely. And congress will be "exempt" from the 'Kennedy Health Care Bill'? This is outrageous, somebody needs to shake the piss out of Washington.
Not only that but he most likely ruined this cops life by getting involved and pretty much labeling him a racist, turned it into national news when it shouldn't of been! This president needs to think a little before he opens his mouth to stick up for his loser friends!
Where in the hell did this guy come from? He is a moron. Has he ever answered a question? Evertime I hear someone ask a question after his answer I'm more confussed than I was before. I do feel bad for the cop he was just doing his job. Obama needs to STFU
I have refused to read or watch anything regarding that story. I'm sure it would just raise my BP to an unhealthy level.
Hey, America is so mind-numbingly dumbed down, and so wrapped up in pop-culture bullcrap, that THIS is who we voted to lead our nation. Change? Please. Anyone with HALF a brain (therein lies the problem, however) could have seen this coming. He's arrogant, inexperienced, and worst of all, he's a socialist (although Americans are again so blind, they believe him when he says his health care plan does NOT involve government control).
To late for me.I am been hacked off all day about it.Using his influence to perhaps destroy an officers career who is an acknowledged expert in the area of racial profiling.Talk about abusing the power of the Presidency!
Hell, you all did not complain this much when the last guy ( the Bushwhacker )used pictures of a water truck, weather balloon, Winabago, aluminum tubes, some forged documents and the words of an exiled felon to kill 5,000 of my brothers and sisters in the armed forces and a couple hundred thousand innocent civilians in Iraq so his corporate thugs could get rich. Here is what cracks me up about the health care issue. Those that seam to complane the most about everyone having it, is the ones that have no out of pockett expense for it. Thats right not one penny of their net monthly pay goes towards insurance! Kind of Hypcritical, Go figure!
at the moment, I am glad he's opening his mouth and exposing himself as the idiot he got everyone to believe he wasn't... the more he talks the better things look for the midterm elections and 2012 presidential race... he is just the next generations Jimmy Carter
X2, I am mad as hell about the socialist insurance plan and I DO pay a portion of my insurance. Kills me how naive some comments are and how little some do to find facts before making comments.
#1 - Why in the hell did he ever get involved in a local issue (or non issue) as I see it when there are other worldly problems that need solving. #2 - What really pisses me off is that the news is now on top of the story that Obama, the cop and Gates are going to get together for that beer that Obama promised them...and the they are now worried about what kind of beer they are going to serve ??????? :smash: :smash: :smash: :smash: Give me a freakin break !!!!!
I'd tell em' both to choke on that beer if I was that Cop! This is his way of taking the heat off him and Gates racial issues!