One word...CONFIDENCE. I can honestly say that I haven't felt this confident going into a season since '05/06. It seems that when I got really serious about archery...I was very above average as far as accuracy was concerned. Over the past few years, something had changed. Some of you are familiar with my target panic struggle. It has cost me some clean kills and a few deer over the past few years. At first it only occurred at the range...never thought it would follow me into the woods...BUT it did. Drawing down on a deer used to be second nature and a 99% guaranteed kill. The last few seasons, my pin would get stuck too far back on the deer and end up sending the arrow near the back ribs. I just couldn't place the pin where it should have gone. It helped me to become a better tracker and to be more patient but several hour/day/month tracking jobs aren't fun. AND the thought of taking a "time out" was unimaginable. I was selfish but I always thought it would get better. I went to a 3D shoot a couple weeks ago and shot terribly. So terrible that I was embarrassed to have anyone near me and dreading season opener. I bet I finished that course in record time.:D I knew something had to did. I went home and broke out my new (barely used) Carter "Squeeze Me" release. I was determined to familiarize myself with it before the opener....I did. Man, what a difference a good release made!!!. For the past few weeks (ever since the shoot) I've been shooting like a different person. Few inch groups at 40 and arrows touching at 20-30. My 40 yard group used to be a little tighter but I'm still working on it. The Admiral is tuned, BHs hitting with FPs, and the Tribute is on standby just in case. It just feels great to have the level of confidence that I once had. Oh....yesterday I was practicing from my stand in my woods and a doe came by at 10 yards. I drew back and settled the pin just behind her shoulder. The old target panicky me would probably have punched the trigger before settling the pin. Needless to say, she's still walking today, unharmed. Good luck everybody! FP's in the deer and BHs in the foam.
Thanks Rob...I appreciate it. I don't know if you noticed but I switched sights since the last pic I posted. I had the Vital Bow Gear Star pro slider sight....just couldn't get used to it. Went back to Sword...haven't looked back. Also, I went back to my roots shooting muzzy 4 blade 100 gr. I still have a couple snypers left over that I need to use up.
If you don't want those Snypers I'll take them off your hands. :D I bought the last pack I think I can find and I have maybe 10 and then I'll be looking for another brand. I hadn't noticed the sight in regards to the last pic but, I think that's a smart move.
Confidence is everything, i agree. I missed a doe on Monday night. Today, i went out and split hairs on my broad-head target..and 2 hours alter a doe was down from the same stand. Its all about confidence!
Good luck tomorrow Donnie, I peaked over the hillside this evening where my stand is and to my excitement I had deer in front of my stand, Needless to say I have a GREAT feeling about tomorrow evening,... Can't explain it, but I hope it happens. I just got to hurry and get off work tomorrow, get home, shower, and get in my stand.
Thanks Shadow...I plan on it. Dan- it was tough but I'm making progress now. Still have some work to do but IMPROVEMENTS have been made. Rob...I bet you would like 'em. They're a great turned me on to them. I would have continued using them this year if they were still available. Back to muzzy though! Siman... Congrats on the doe man! Aaron...thanks buddy. I get to hunt the AM and then I have a wedding to go to. Guess I should be going to bed. I've been setting up my new wireless printer so I could print off my license. Talk about last minute. Good luck to you too!
Damn Donnie, maybe I shouldn't send the Yarra to ya and screw up you confidence! She's a shooter... she might change ya forever! :D
Well....we just got back from the wedding. It went as head will be hurting tomorrow.:D