Man I tell you, I love bowhunting! My first year taking 4 deer with my bow. Jeff, I am wearing the mojo hat.
That's awesome Brett, congratulation's!! Man you all are lucky that have the luxury to shoot a good share of deer each year.
Thanks guys. She came by with another doe at 3pm at 20 yards. I elected to pass just in case a buck was on her tail. She got directly downwind of me and knew something was up, yet she came back toward me at 3:30pm after feeding. When she got to 20 yards I drew. She came directly at me and when she got to 6 yards I nailed her. I couldn't give up that kind of gift. And I was home in time to take the whole family out to eat dinner and can't beat that! Schultzy, yes I am lucky I can shoot as many as I do. I actually killed this doe on a DMAP tag which does not count toward my state tags. We have a lot of does. I have killed 3 does and 1 buck. I am doing my part to thin the doe herd. I told myself this year that I am going to donate 1 deer to the Hunters For the Hungary program, and this doe will be the one. I haven't donated for a couple of years, which is unlike me.
Thanks guys. I kind of feel like a machine right now. Look at a map, take the wind into account, set up, KILL. I was truly not going to shoot that doe until she came back and gave me a 6 yard shot. It has been a lot of fun hunting this year. No stress, just thinking about where to hunt, and then giving that plan my best shot. No regrets at the end of any hunt for me this year.