good hunting buddy so hard to find? Those of you who are compatible with a great hunting buddy... Consider yourself lucky. I mean I have some good "part time" hunting buddies from here that I would love to be "full time" hunting buddies with but the distance we live apart kills that opportunity. Again, if you have a good buddy to hunt, plan, shed hunt, scout, etc with.... I envy your situation. Don't get me wrong, I have some local hunting buddies... But, not that guy I trust 100%.
I have alot of friends, and cousins that i hunt with or who love hunting. But i only trust one, and thats my oldest brother, who is 16. He's by far my best hunting buddy.
I hunt with Justin.. and have for more than 10 years now. I guess I'm lucky in that respect. I also get to talk with many others I respect as deer hunters as well on a pretty regular basis around here. I can always use more though. Justin is my full-time hunting chum.:love: Although sometimes I think we'd get more done if we weren't laughing hysterically.
My best hunting buddy graduates from Hunters Ed this Saturday! He has always went hunting, fishing, camping and scouting etc with me since he was able, but this year will be his first year pulling the trigger. The way I hunt has just changed forever, it only gets better from here on out! He's by far my best buddy and always will be! I hope to help my son kill his 1st turkey in 2 weeks, I can't wait! I've NEVER been so fired up to go on a hunt as I am for this one!
I am lucky in that my hunting buddy is also my brother. We share the same ideas on hunting and management. I know I can trust him and count on him for anything.
You are correct. I'm lucky in that my two main hunting buddy's are my dad and one of my best friends. Both have 100% of my trust.
I honestly have about 4 or 5 guys I could call up at any moment to go scout, shed hunt, film/hunt, etc...problem is, we all keep our own access if that makes sense...Say my buddy has access to 850 acres....if we decide to go hunting as a cameraman duo, we can go there and it wouldn't matter who was up to bat....but if he wasn't there, I'm not to be there like that with all of us. Not really a problem per se, just makes it hard for us to truly get out and scout alot together since we all still have our own interests in personal farms and what not.
I used to always be a loner and liked it. Now I have Deb and K. Kendall and I hunt together a bit but not a lot. Maybe more this year because he might get drawn to hunt where I hunt. That would be kick butt. I trust him with my life. (and we've certainly risked ours more than a couple times (boating, not hunting)) Deb K is my bestest hunting buddy (buddette?). I'm not afraid to tell her my hunting info or where I've seen bucks/does. As best I can tell, she doesn't hold many deer secrets back from me. I trust her 100%. We don't do a ton of stuff together because we live more than 70 miles apart but we do click, which is really cool. The only thing I feel I miss out on is that I don't get to hunt with some of my friends on hunting trips because they're guys and I'm not and thier wives/girlfriends aren't big on the idea. ...Or... I get invited but it's because they're guys and I'm not and they're really not looking for a hunting partner. :-/
I have 4 good hunting buddies that I trust and have respect for. My dad, my dads best friend who got him into hunting, my uncle and my cousin who is my age and we have been hunting together since we could walk with our dads. So yes Im Blessed with great hunting buddies
My best hunting buddy lives 4.5 hours north of me, he's my dad. I get to hunt with him while bear hunting but It's by no means close to the amount of time I'd like to spend with him. My brother Is my hunting buddy but he's just not the same as having dad around all the time. My brother and I don't always get along the way It Is. I too wish I had another hunting buddy that lived much closer. I have a good bunch of hunting friends but hunting buddy's they are not.
Same here. I have about three friends I hunt and film on a regular basis. I always seem to be the guy filming, but thats ok with me. I enjoy it as much as I do hunting. We share spots to an extent. Example: duck hunting or hog hunting. Deer is a diffrent story, we all have our own places to go and don't go into each others place without he guy who hunts it. If that makes sense
I have a good friend that I consult with and we do some scounting together, but we do very little hunting on the same properties. He is the best bowhunter I have ever known and I consider myself lucky to be able to pick his brain and bounce idea off of him. Plus, he keeps me motivated year-round.
I have 3 brothers and none of them hunt . . . and they wonder why I'm Dad's favorite :d Plus I kind of adopted my ex-girlfriends son who is an absolute addict now.
When it comes to serious hunting stuff im usually either with my g/f's dad or my buddy that I graduated with. I have plenty of friends that I talk hunting with but dont really trust any of them with the important information....
AMEN buckeye!!! You guys that have family members to share/rely on are VERY fortunate. I had a close friend that I could trust. He had full complete run of the farms. I would let him hunt where he wanted and he always kept others out. Sometimes we would even hunt out of the same tree (at different times of course). He would always give reports on what was seen and I didn't have to worry about him shooting little bucks.He got me into bow hunting about 10 yrs ago and I OWE HIM DEARLY for that!!! About 7-8 yrs ago he was fine 1 day and the next he barely knew where he was. A brain tumor had robbed him of alot of things just like that. He was about 50yrs old at the time and could work most 20 yr olds under the table. He can gun hunt sometimes now but is very dangerous for his own safety. He cannot climb trees any longer yet he use to be able to climb any tree with his spikes. He is the best friend I have ever had and probably the best I will ever have.
I agree w/you buckeye. I had a real good friend that I hunted w/for only 2 yrs & he up & moved on me. It's nice to go out by yourself, but there's something about meeting up after the hunt, talking about what was seen, any shots taken, or if lucky helping ea other out w/the drag. Kinda nice to sit around the woods after & shoot the bull.
Can't argue with that. Everyone loves Miller. That's just a great picture of you both.. and your collective poop eating grins.:d