Whatever you're comfortable with......... I prefer 18-25' although I have many stands that are lower than that. Really, I only go as high as I have to to get the best shot and have decent cover for myself. I think that the advantage that height has is that it takes longer for your scent to hit the ground and will allow for a larger area, close to your stand before the deer will pick your scent. Where the scent will pass over them when they get too close to you.
Actually theres not enough differenc in a 10 yard shot at 20' compared to a 20 yard shot at 30' for anyone to give a rats ass. Just my 2 cents.
Hmmm.... Highest in my Summit Viper? 22 feet. Never been busted. Lowest in my Summit Viper? 12 feet (lots of branches and knots). Almost got busted, but somehow by the grace of God, I was able to make the shot. Average: 15-18 feet, depending on the tree, the branches, and the overall lay of the land.
I enjoy the sub-text to these threads, but I'll stick with my 2 cents on height. It don't really matter much to me. I like 18-22, but have hunted 14 -25+. Many times going too high doesn't allow me to see very far. I like an 8-10 yard shot from 18-20 ft up, can't miss & that lung/heart combo has been the best bleeding I've ever seen. Sometimes I can get away with dancing around up in a tree, sometimes I have to be really wary & slow.
hahah thats awesome..bro your hung like a MULE DEER.... I hunt bout 20 ft. of the ground ..thats high enough for me...my climber will take me anywhere...
Not that I care, but I was thinking the same thing after that comment. Quik, if it's that long you should tie it around the tree. You'd save a bundle on safety harnesses and it would be extra incentive for treestand safety.
Cooter if you wanna be able to read this thread and laugh your a** off at some of the things posted, read the other thread of "Why I like being 25-35 ft. MINIMUM". You'll see all the jokes and everything being thrown around and what they mean. It's pretty hilarious if I might add!!
Hey Fletch, I honestly would like to see some pics of the deer you've taken... I haven't seen any pics yet but I'm getting the vibe that you've killed some monsters. Let's see 'em man! Post 'em two or three times each if you like. Feel free to bump the thread 4 or 5 times too. LOL. But seriously, let's see them!