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Why did you name them

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by michaelp, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. michaelp

    michaelp Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 2, 2009
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    After getting educated again by a certain turkey I decided he was ready for a name. Now granted I did miss as you read a few weeks back but that was a brief shot after a long stalk. I decided this morning he will be referred to as winke (sp). Like winking at someone around a large group of people when you two are the only ones that know what is going on. He is a public land veteren who WILL not come to the call. After several ventures (he roosts in the same area) and gobbles his head off each morning. I decided to get right on him. I went in before any sign of light and as luck would have it I was leaning on a tree 60 yards from him when he sounded off. I slinked back down on a tree and watched as every hen in the county came to him 30 minutes after fly down. He then flew basically straight down and landed 35 yards from me. He is in range but the way the ridge ran only let me see his back and fan as he hit the ground strutting. The bead was on his head when he landed but he did not stop immediatly:bash: I was willing to let the game play out without a sound from me. I had his hens coming all around me and he finally made a move. Now he has strutted out to 60 yards but coming back. I hear that dreaded sound of another hunter walking and calling. I had to finally make a small series of yelps to stop them from walking in on me and that is when I saw it. He came out of strut...winked...and turned and gobbled at least 10 times and then HE took the hens away. He will not come to a hen he cannot see. That is the third time he has gotten on the edge of commitment and then walked off like he thinks the game we play is funny:cry: I want to see this birds spurs to see if he is in fact a old warrior or a 2 year old public land vet who is very hip to the game. So what makes you guys decide an animal deserves a name and what is your story?
  2. ZachCL

    ZachCL Weekend Warrior

    Mar 7, 2009
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    Calhan, CO soon to be Saratoga Wy
    Sounds like a tough old bird. Keep at him, he will be worth it in the end.
  3. Ben/PA

    Ben/PA Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Hughesville, PA
    Great story. I have never named a bird, named a few bucks though.
  4. Tribal

    Tribal Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    I named two gobblers that hung out on this finger of hardwoods bordering public land I was on. They were on private. Every morning they were the only 2 birds I could hear gobbling with not a care in the world. I called them the backstreet boys.
  5. bloodcrick

    bloodcrick Moderator/BHOD Prostaff

    Jul 24, 2008
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    southern Indiana
    I had two gobblers years back that would have nothing to do with calling, decoys or even real hens from what i seen. Like yours they just were educated birds. I named them frick and frack, why i dont know, just did. I hunted them for a week straight. they would feed in the field all day long together. Id set up where they came out last, now they come out somewhere else. This went on and on, Id think i had them figured out and they were always ahead of me. I finally got lucky a week later, they came out near me and Frick died :d I named another Ajax, after i killed him i noticed he had a white circle spot on his fan.

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