Ok, Mr Jeff's thread got me thinkin'. (Jeff is a thought provoking son-of-a-gun.:uzi: Was the basis for measuring antlers not originally for biological study "only". Just curious if someone can give some legit history on this practice, and where it got to be "the norm" for trophy hunters? (I suspicion it started with contests, correct me if I am wrong.) LAEq
It started with cattle. Their principals and ideas for scoring were than related to use for measuring all horned and antlered animals as well.
I like that everyone believes antlers really have anything to do with any of this. When God first created 2 men. That's where measurement (of some form) started. It may have been penis size then.. but for us its antler size. Seriously.. we really need to ask these Q's. Like we don't ALL know already what its really all about.
Maybe some folks heads are just too big to admit it though Duke. I have no earthly idea why they started this other than what buckeye just stated. (competitiveness, if thats a word, is where it all started I believe as well Duke) I would really like to hear others answers though.
Yup... It was penis envy. Then the farmers moved to cattle horns, then corn/grain silos, tractors, combines... then deer, and antlers. Thats my theory.
I thought we were gonna get some real history. Like when it started and the real basis. I know it boils down to what the duke talking about in the nityy gritty end, but anyone have some facts?
So, it all started with trophy cattle? Lol That explains a lot. Man, and all this time I thought there was a real valid reason for scoring antlers.
I mean buckeye may be right but when did they start on other animals than cattle, why were cattle actually measured?
Hahaha, I asked Fraley a month ago how long it would take until you posted this. My fondest memory of the ATA was that discussion.
Why do people race cars, take their dogs to dog shows, run marathons, why do buildings keep getting taller and taller, boats bigger and bigger.... It is human nature to try to up the next person. It's that simple.
What an educational response this thread received. I am impressed. And all this time I thought there was this great mystery to where it all began. Bummer man. In my best Mr. Miyagi voice, "Ah, Dookie-Sahn, you funny young man. Funny, funny young man Dookie-Sahn.":d
So what i have gathered from this::: Pened bucks grown for seed/antler size is the equivelent of male inhancement