Hey, Was just wondering if anybody had some useful insight on here... I own a small 65acre farm that I hunt on, not a ton of bush, some ravines, etc. I had a couple nice bucks that I've been seeing all spring/summer/early fall. But near the end of September, all my bucks disappeared! Why did they leave, and how can I bring them back to my farm this fall? FYI, I live in a area where baiting is legal, so I do often dump corn out, but it hasn't attracted the bucks back yet... Thanks in advance! Ben
Ya your the spring summer bachalor pad. The place doe do not hang out in. Thus they left to go find the ladies. Make your place the go to ladies pad and fawn rearing site. That way when the boys go searching they'll come to,not away from you. The ladies will take over a spring summer spot and keep the buck at bay