Kobe is a shoot first style player... He tries to take what he wants from a defense... LeBron takes what is given. How many finals has Kobe been to with out Shaq? One? Look at the team LeBron took to the finals... Larry Hughes as a wing man???? PLEASE... LeBron does more with less. Always has, always will. NO ONE thought the Cavs would have the #1 seed in the East but Cavs fans.... But, look where they are. Heck I think they were projected as the 4 or 5 or 6 seed in the East preseason... So really you guys are right.... LeBron isn't a better team player. BTW the offense is ran through D. West, Mo Williams and Daniel Gibson. It was years past when the O was ran through LeBron when they had no other choice....
lol~ OK, well ya can't have a sports related battle of wits when one man is coming to the match unarmed
What team is good ol' MJ playin for now? :d :d :d and best of all time, as much as I would like to say MJ, I gotta go with Wilt Chamberlin, the records he set are mind blowing.
Wilt Chamberlain was a man among boys though. I'd like to see some of the talent of the past pay in todays league....would be somewhat of a surprise for them me thinks. No doubt they had mad skill....but could you imagine MJ, Kobe, or Lebron playing in the 60s or 70s? It wouldn't even be fair.... I have to kind of laugh when people said Kobe wasn't a team player...after Shaq left, the team fell to shambles...NO ONE was left, literally. Its one of those things where, well Kobe you better score 50, or your team score wont top 60 kinda deals. Now that he is getting some decent players back around him, look at how they are doing. And the flip side of the Kobe/Shaq duo is, how many has Shaq won without an amazing top of the league guard to play with? Wade is another sick scorer, and Shaq had no chance at the heat without him. His game is the most complete out of anyones IMO. Amazing on D, best scorer in the league, and now that he has some players back around him...watch out. If you watched Rondo at UK you would like him now, or atleast appreciate the fact that he went from a high school material PG to a NBA material PG...obviously being on the Celtics helped, but he has turned into quite the player, and was only above average at UK...his game shocked me in the NBA, I thought he was doomed.
Yes, but take Kobe or Lebron and drop them back into Wilts day, take away their new high tech shoes and all of the training routines that weren't available back then and see how they stacked up, or give Wilt the tools that Kobe/Lebron have and see how he would have stacked up. Its so hard to judge from one era to another, but any way you cut it Wilt was going against the best in his day just the same as Kobe/Lebron are going against the best now. As far as Rondo goes, I don't think anybody could have predicted him to turn into the PG that he has. He has improved in areas that some didn't believe you could improve in, you had to be "born with those skills". Its amazing to me that he seems to be taking the team over now that KG is hurt. Paul Pierce is pulling his share but Rajon seems to be grabbing the bull by the horns and refusing to loose. As shocking as it is, I can't be more happy about it... its bout time to the Celtics to pull back-to-back championship trophies again :d The only team that is really scary to me in the entire leauge right now is the Denver Nuggets. Yes, the Lakers and Cav's beat the Celtics within the last month, but during the playoffs the Celtics D is something else, that same D led them to a championship last year when Ray Allan couldn't hit a basket to save his life, imagine how dangerous they are going to be when Ray is hitting his shots. The Nuggets have a great line-up that is under-rated and I just don't trust Billops/Anthony. Those two guys both have a passion for winning and refuse to loose, together in the playoffs they are going to be nearly unstopable.
As good as bird was.... and he was great.... I don't know if he could be considered the best, look at the guys that were playing in his era that were just as good... Magic and MJ. Simply because of them, Bird doesn't stand out in his era and IMO can't be considered "the best". I will say that he is the best white boy to ever play the game
hard to say Wilt, remember he got his points and rebounds with goaltending be allowed, a lot of stats would be disallowed with today's rules
Good point wahoo.... it makes you wonder, on a level playing field what would happen with todays guys and the greats from yesteryear. We will never know the answer, but it fun to speculate what would happen to the new guys without all of the technology of today and just how the greats would perform with the rules today. I wish I could built an all-time all star team to see how guys like Dr. J, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird, Wilt Chamberlin, Karrem A J, Magic Johnson, ect. would stack up together.
Seriously? LeBron took the Cavs to the Finals in 2007, which was probably one of the worst years ever for the Eastern Conference. Do you really think that Cavs team would have made it to the finals if it were in the West? PLEASE... Pretty sure most people projected them as a 2 or 3 seed. The only team that was unanimously projected above them was Boston. Sure...
I always wondered how down to earth Wilt the Stilts numbers would be if he played today. I highly doubt he would still have a 50 PPG season.