This would be a great thread for a Sports forum , but since it doesn't exist yet ill have to post it here. With the NBA season over halfway through, who would you say is the best in the league? D-Wade (leading scorer)? Dwight Howard (Leading rebounder+shot blocks), LBJ, Kobe? If i had to pick a player, i think it still Kobe. He's been the best since about 2002/2003 IMO (He should have 3-4 MVP's been was snubbed by Steve Nash twice). Thats going on 7 years in a row now, but im pretty sure it will be his last year as the NBA's top Dawg. Lebron will win the MVP, and rightly so (29/7/7!). After this year, with Lebrons shooting improving, its going to be lights out for the King. I think he can have a 33/9/8 season here in the next few years... Another players though who will start getting consideration is Dwight Howard. His last 2 years are identical (21/14), and IF he gets his offense fixed, we may soon see some Shaq like numbers (30/14), which would be a garunteed MVP. Lets hear some thoughts....
Kobe Bryant has been the top player for a looong time now. Offensively, he ranks up there with the best of the best. Unbelievable what he is capable of. I agree, it is almost laughable that he has only gotten the award once. I don't think anyone will knock Kobe out for a while yet. Now that he finally has some talent building around him, he will be a force to rekon with for sometime yet. That said, I dont care much at all about the NBA..I'll watch a game if its on at the gym at night...and I'll watch the playoffs....NCAA is where it is at, I just wish UK would step it back up to UK level of basketball .
I followed NCAA for one year, and it was def. a blast. Im a UT fan, so when Kevin Durant was tearing the place up i was glued to the TV. Not so much anymore.
Kobe>>>>>>>Bron Bron But LeBron has improved his shooting this year, which might mean he could surpass Kobe in the next couple of years. LeBron is such a physical beast at his size. Kobe though, is such an incredible finesse player. Anybody who has ever played basketball at a high level and understands the game will say that Kobe is the superior player, ATM. Dwight Howard is one of the best big man in the league, but he is in no way the best all around player. Not even close. Kobe would be the best all around player. He has the shot, the explosiveness, the passing skills, the agility, the ball control, the body control, the footwork, the defense skills, the knowledge of the game. He has it all. The only thing that Kobe lacks is that pure teammate mentality. But that's another discussion.
The NBA is lame. Buch of thug hacks who let everything go to their heads. NCAA men's basketball is where it's at. I won't ever watch an NBA game.
FWIW, I'm sure college basketball has just as many thug hacks as NBA players, percentage wise. When 2 NBA teams are playing, and everybody is playing to their full potential, it's a beautiful thing to watch.
Yeah, you're probably right, however college coaches (and thier respective schools) are a little more strict about it, and they have a lot more to getting to the NBA. Hey Hook, Isn't the bassmaster classic going on in your city right now
I will have to go with James. Maybe I'm a bit one sided because I never miss a Cavs game. I see him as more of a value to his team the Kobe. Dont get me wrong, Kobe is an outstanding player, but it seems that he plays for him instead of his team.
I hate these arguments, lol. Kobe is definately the best player in the NBA and has been for a while. If Lebron could get to where he can consistantly knock down jumpers, I would give him more credit. Lebron for the majority, is a dunker. Kobe is an outstanding shooter. Thats pretty much what he was when he came into the league. He's also proving this year he can get his teammates involved. Kobe controls his games, he knows what he needs to do to win, and knows when he needs to take over. Hence why they are the best team in the NBA too. Kobe in the last few years has matured as a player a lot, and has learned a bunch. He's also a pretty darn good defensive player too.
I am goin to go a different route here and say Chris Paul. Yes, Kobe is an amazing shooter and yea, Lebron can put up points, but Chris Paul can do both of those as well as get the ball to his guys AND he is amazing at steals. My problem with Kobe and Lebron is that they both seem to be focused on themselves more than the team. IMO, Lebron is WAY overated. How is this guy being compared to Jordan? He is a big dude thats fast and a pretty good shooter, but he definetly isn't Jordan, Bird, or Chamberlin. I get sick of hearing people hype this guy up to be the best player to ever step out on the court. I have watched the best, and he surely isn't it.
I like this post. Chris Paul doesn't get enough recognition. He's a great player. He can definately do it all. I agree with the Lebron part. He's an average shooter and an above average dunker. As far as Kobe being worried about himself. I honestly don't feel this way about him anymore. I think the past two years he showed he can play team ball. I saw a statistic on Kobe about a week ago that was interesting. The lakers are 1-6 when Kobe attempts less than 20 shots from the floor. So obviously they need him to shoot.
Kobe all day long. Lebron's style of play doesn't excite me. I won't dare say he's in the top 10 players in the league, but Derron Williams is the most fun player to watch IMO. Not the best by any means, but the guy can flat out play.
I know he's not the best player In the league but I sure wouldn't say "not even close"! Kobe Bryant- PPG- 27.6 Rank- #3 RPG- 5.5 Rank- #81 BPG- 0.44 Rank- #143 SPG- 1.29 Rank- #35 Dwight Howard- PPG- 20.7 Rank- #22 RPG- 14.1 Rank- #1 BPG- 3.04 Rank- #1 SPG- 1.00 Rank- #84
Superman is a beast, I would love to just hang out with him for a day, he seems like he would be a blast. He is one of the few guys today that seems to be in the game because he loves it, not for the money (Lebron is the exact opposite IMO). One guy to watch out for is Rajon Rondo of the Boston Celtics, I am not just saying this because the Celtics have been my favorite team since I was in diapers, but that dude has potential to be one of the best point guards we have seen. He is fast, has great vision, but he needs to work on his shooting.... actually, he just needs to shoot the ball more often. He showed that he can be a shooter in the playoffs and finals last year, he just doesn't seem to be confident in himself. Rose of the Bulls is another guy, along with Kevin Durant, those Rookies are showing that they have the potential to be stars.
Rajon Rondo has done a 180 since his UK days. He was always a middle of the road average player at UK. Quick, GREAT at D, and good with the ball/assists...But a HORRIBLE shot/scorer...and I mean horrible. When he went pro, my dad and I both agreed it wouldnt be much...but he has definitely found his nitch with the right in. Biggest thing going for him is he has finally fixed his scoring game to where he can be an offensive threat finally, making the D play him honestly, and not just for the pass. Makes a huge difference. Pretty good player now, but has a loooong way to go to be considered tops of the league. Chris Paul is good guys, but best in the league? Meh.. When I think of best player in the league, I think of 7th game in the Finals, end of the 4th with 13 seconds left down 1, whos hands do you want that ball in? To answer anyone besides Kobe in that situation is just out of personal dislike for the guy, he is flat out clutch.