Seeing ATAR has been cancelled this year I am planning on going to ETAR for the first time. Anyone else going.
Rob, where and when is this event? I wanted to go to the event in MD but I guess that is the one they canceled. They have not canceled the Balt Trad Classic. ATAR is in WV and is on hold (I guess)
Cool, I want to go to the Balt trad classic to look at potentially purchasing a new bow and seeing some of you guys.
I just checked my schedule and I am off work the weekend of the Baltimore shoot. May 13-15 are the dates. I will bring my bow and I am looking to learn as much as I can from people. I am not entering any events as I am not that good of a shot. I am hoping Bruce Lanthier will head up there with me. It will be good to meet you guys. Brett
Brett, The Baltime Classic is a great shoot. I've been there one time and had a ball. Byron Ferguson was there doing his show. I took this video with my Palm Treo phone. This was their long fun shot, I think it was 58 yards from where I was standing. I actually hit the kill zone on that bear! I might see if I can do both ETAR which is in PA and Baltimore. I would like to get to the ones I haven't been to yet before hitting the same ones a second time.
ATAR is canceled this year. I just called about camping at ETAR. I'm set to go and will be there Thurs, Fri, Sat and maybe Sun. If anyone want to join me let me know.