Talk to me about water filtration for your home. My wife and I purchased a new place just over a month ago and we're on a well. The previous owners had installed a Culligan softener, which is nice, but the water still has some odor that bothers her and doesn't taste all that great. We've generally been using bottled water for drinking/cooking as the well water just kind of sucks. I'm right not at a basic three-level filtering system. The pre-filter basically removes sediment (which I don't think we have a problem with), then there's an activated carbon filter (to remove smells of course!), followed by a pretty sweet UV light that is supposed to kill bacteria and whatnot. It's all in one unit, all you do is splice it into your water supply after it comes into your house. Sounds pretty straight-forward, just interested in your thoughts/experiences. anyone?
Should have bought my house. Half acre, you can shoot in the yard, unincorporated, water doesn't smell funny. Good Mexican food right down the street. It's still for sale...
I'm unincorporated, can shoot in my backyard, and don't have to live in C'Ville anymore. That far outweighs your good Mexican food. I have the Texan BBQ right down the street. Best ribs ever. And I can't shower in Dasani, jackass. :D
Have you tested the well water? Ours tested high in sulfur....tasted and smelled awful. I spent the coin and got hooked up to city water.
We use a reverse osmosis System with a Uv Filter. the water tastes like aquafina. Oh and we have the same 2 stage pre filter system Expensive but well worth it.
Give me a call dweeb.. I'll give you the hook-up to a couple plumbers who know their shiz-nit. What did you expect to come from asking here???
Technically, it's Lake Marian... not C'ville. We only shared a zip code (and the stigma). And the water doesn't stink. (rusty... but not stinky) Did I mention the 3.5 car garage? Dammit, somebody needs to buy that frickin' house. I hate paying for a house I haven't lived in for the last five years. grrr. Good luck getting the stink out of your water.
My well water smells really bad too so but the water that comes out of the refridgerator has a carbon filter on it that gets rid of the smell. One other thing you can do is to shock chlorinate your well, that should temporarily get rid of the smell (for a few months). Google it for the procedure.
Here in the Islands most of the wells have sulfer water. I understand that with expensive water treatment equipment it can be made almost normal. Thankfully our place was on municipal water when we bought it which is strange since we are in a very rural area and on an island to boot. Good luck with the water. Remember all you bottled water most likely comes from a water tap somewhere. They market it as pure spring water and in many cases the only spring is the one that springs money from your wallet to their bank account.