Just got out of the woods on my first "scouting" trip of my hunting career let alone the first time I have been in the woods for oh lets say 4 years. I was walking down a path that i knew had been in the woods for a while when i noticed some tracks. I tried following them from the small creek on my left when they took a turn across the trail into a thicket on the other side. not wanting to disturb what ever could be laying in the thicket i started making my way further down the trail when i say something moving to my right. I stopped and crouched hoping to get a glimpse of what was moving. Not 30 secs later i saw a buck coming across the trail in front of me. i was too excited to count as my heart was racing but i thought i saw at least 8 points. I only have three problems with this spotting: 1.) Didn't have a camera better than a cell phone where you couldn't make out the deer at 30 yards 2.) I Didn't have my bow 3.) I Don't have my hunting license or tags I can't wait to see if I can get some pictures of this beast and maybe a nice wall decoration a little later Any one have any pointers on telling what age a buck is and tips on letting him grow or if i should take him given the chance?