Who else on here loves to shoot nannys as much as me...we always talk about mature bucks, and big racks, but let's take another topic and run with it...I love to shoot nannys. I will shoot them all day because we have sooooo many here in southeast Va we have an issue with them and they taste really good and they are very pretty animals in their own right. In fact, a mama doe is quite a kill when you think about how smart she is and how nosey she is...who is with me??
I will shoot them for table fare (for myself or a buddy) other than that I don't mess around with them much. I have never shot a doe just to shoot something.
Landon, I enjoy shooting does. In fact, one of my best hunts ever was last year on two doe. They came in so slow about an hour before dark, feeding and milling around, zig zagging through the cover. Mind you, I was hunting at a friends property as deer around my parts do not act that stupid. All the foliage was gone and I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I held my bow steady for minutes as they caught my movement somehow as I lifted my bow. They went on alert for what seemed like forever. They finally started moving again. I could not draw my bow until they were only about 5 yards from the end of my shooting lane. I picked up my bow and drew quickly, and then.....shot right over the back of one of the doe at 7 yards...I blew it. I am not sure if I have ever missed a shot that bad, but dang it was fun as heck.
We are allowed 10 here in GA and I'll take as many as I can in a season. If it's to much for my freezer then I'd give it away.
I like to shoot does. I shot 2 last year for the freezer. I get the same excitement shooting a doe as I do a buck.
I usually split my hunting into 2 seasons. First I chase after a big buck then later on I will go after does for the freezer. I really enjoy the doe hunts. It's kinda like the old days - just go out and get some meat for the table.
I was always dead set on not shooting does until this past year....I finally took one with the bow, mainly because it was all on film. It ate great, and I was ecstatic with my first archery whitetail...BUT, I get no great feeling of accomplishment/trophy status from a doe.. It is fun, the meat is great, but that is about the extent of it. This year I will likely approach does the same as last. Unless I have a buck pegged early season, I will spend September trying to whack a doe on film, if it doesn't pan out by october...I will give up on them until late December/January when I may try again (if I haven't already downed one). In all honesty, this year I will likely only be holding the bow if I am buck hunting, or atleast hunting an area expecting to see a buck. If I am not in that situation, my time is better served behind the camera for someone else on the team. Can't produce footage without a cameraman along for every hunt.
Right on Magic, I enjoy the doe hunts also. I just wish I could shoot more of them around here. It's usually a one tag area here.
I could shoot 20 does a day; especially if I was donating them to a food pantry and I didn't have to dress them. I love whacking deer.
A mature doe [ matriarc] is a lot harder to draw on then a buck.I have had a young buck 1-3 yrs old look up at me and 15 seconds they go back browsing not a big doe.
Besides being the right thing to do for your deer herd I love them, and don't under estamate a doe remember it was a doe that taught that buck to survive at first!!!!Walt