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Discussion in 'Northeast' started by Marty O'brien, May 9, 2021.

  1. Marty O'brien

    Marty O'brien Newb

    May 7, 2021
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    I live in the Piermont-Haverhill area of west-central New Hampshire. I moved from Bradford NH two yrs ago because I had a severe trespassing problem with a neighbor that was maliciously sending his hunting & trapping buddies on my land even though I had 8 acres and he had FIFTY! Eventually, I said fudge it and in 2019 I moved to a new location as described above.
    I moved up here in August 2019 and by October, the same sh.t was happening again. Hunters coming on our land which is 40 acres, from all angles but mostly from the abutting lot to the East which has 66 acres & a weird, off the grid hermit who invites his buddies to hunt but instead of hunting on his 66-acre lot which is exactly the same land as mine, he SENDS them onto our land. I don't want hunters on *my* land because I was almost SHOT by a hunter in Bradford back in 2003. He fired a round barely 5 feet above my head, I guess he confused me with a f..king moose! I said, "never again", that does it. I'm putting up signs, which I did in Bradford but they were all torn back down by the anencephalic neighbor who somehow felt he owned the deed to everybody's land.
    As a result of the trespassing on my new property, I was again forced to put up "No Trespassing" and "Posted" signs as per the Fish & Game officer who strongly recommended I do it. Shortly after putting up posted signs, & spending lots of wasted cash, to my disgust, EVERY single sign-on the eastern boundary was torn down! Here we go again! What the "F"? The local police chief at the time had a strong idea who it was....the fudged up hermit on the abutting land who lives in a handmade, hunting shanty shack.
    So it's been a battle every day, week and month except during the peak or winter. I've asked local hunters, why is my land being trespassed SO much, a few of them said "because we've heard (the fabricated rumor) that your area has lots of deer"...REALLY? So I asked, you mean more than ANY other property, like its a zoo? Then I said "you know, animals don't abide by human boundary markers, they don't read signs or read maps. So that's totally bogus. Even more bizarre is the fact my land is surrounded by literally thousands of acres of totally open land, no signs, no restrictions...the same exact type of land with steep hills, ravines and tons of animals.
    So I ask my fellow New Hampshire hunters, WHY would hunters be obsessed with trespassing ONE singular parcel of land amidst thousands of acres of wide-open land they can hunt on any day of the week? Does my land have a GIANT NEON SIGN that says, " LEASE COME & TRESPASS MY LAND, THERE IS ALSO A WALMART SALE ON John Deer Tractor Lawn Mowers!" I believe its down to one logical answer........the friggin hermit next store to me on the 66-acre lot, is inviting hunters over to his land for pay...then he allows them to stay over in one of his primitive hunting camps but sends them over to MY LAND to hunt! Wow, talk about having your cake and eat it to! So its happened again, just in time last week for the start of Turkey season, the hermit attacked like a thief in the night, he tore down 5 posted signs in a specific area about 1ooo' up the eastern boundary, then, to insult to injury, the friggin miscreant STOLE TWO OF MY GAME CAMERAS. The only he could have known where they are is if he had spied on me tending to them over the last months changing SD cards. There is no CELL service in my area so I can't use cellular game cameras. Too bad! I called Fish & Game, State Police, and our town police and so far, I've only gotten a response from Fish & Game and the recommendation was "until you catch the guy on camera, there's nothing we can do" and apparently that includes....Investigating:-) The problem is, when the trespassing thief steals your camera, well, there goes the proof, with the camera. Until I can get cell service and buy cellular cameras, I'm fudged! So I'll have to buy about a dozen Komodo dragons and a hand full of Atrax robustus spiders...that might deter them just a bit:lol: Just kidding.......or is he? No...but that would a gas....maybe Dexter is available?
  2. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    YOU could move to a nice big city in a high rise with security cameras every where. Cut down on your aggravation. Take all the time you use to use dealing to "hermits" and peacefully hunt and hike public land.
    Dennis Goyette likes this.
  3. Gabilgerat

    Gabilgerat Weekend Warrior

    Jul 25, 2020
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    I had a similar problem , had 2 cams and a climber stolen from My club property. All were near the one side of the property. . heres what I did.. I Put a cheap old broken cam in plane sight and put two other cams high up in trees pointing at the "bait" cam , I cameoed them with some pine boughs . With in a week the cam was gone , when I retrieved the "watch" cams I got pics of the neighbors low life 19 YO kid. I called the sheriffs and they had a office meet me at the property, I showed him the pics and he payed a visit to the neighbors dad, the kid was charged with criminal trespass and larceny , Turns out the kid was stealing stuff from all the clubs in the area and had a bunch of stolen property in his position I .got the climber back but the cams were not recovered.
    oldnotdead and Uchase2 like this.
  4. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    Ya, he was told this by a couple of different ppl in a similar post..with other suggestions as well.then made this post about the same thing.
  5. Robert Lowe

    Robert Lowe Weekend Warrior

    May 13, 2020
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    Western Mass
    Call cam on your posted signs to catch who is tearing them down. Use a climber or sticks to put it 15 feet up a tree so they do not see it and steal it. Then let the cops do their jobs.
  6. Dennis Goyette

    Dennis Goyette Newb

    Sep 4, 2018
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    New Hampshire
    You sound like a bitter old man that signed up for this site to what, bI*ch about hunters? You're not going to get anything useful from us here. Post your land 360 degrees, put cams up and call F&G for hunting on posted signs, they'll stop after. Also, it doesn't matter if it's 5 or 50 acres, deer go to where they're safe which makes sense to be in your land if you aren't hunting them.
  7. trial153

    trial153 Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 28, 2011
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    I would look for the common denominator in both places and situations and conclude that might some of the issue .

    Kind of reminds of the quote “If you run into an a$$ hole in the morning, you ran into an *******. If you run into assholes all day, you're the a$$ hole.”
    Vabowman likes this.
  8. Vabowman

    Vabowman Grizzled Veteran

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Southeast Va
    it's human nature to want to go places we can't, have the woman that is married, the toy truck that your little buddy has even though you have 6,hang around the friends your parents forbid, etc.... sometimes an abundance of posted signs is more of a temptation than deterent
  9. oldnotdead

    oldnotdead Legendary Woodsman

    Feb 13, 2019
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    That's like saying you should buy and drive "beater" vehicals because....your tempting a jacking with a new shiny one.

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