My son and I started bow hunting. My oldest daughter joined in and hunts and target. My youngest daughter joined and and targets. Now the wife just got a bow for target. Now all I need is Mom who hunts with rifle and is 75years old, to get a recurve and shoot. Then it will be the whole family!! Hutch
My daughter and I started this year. My wife is rumbling about wanting to bow hunt as well. Time to start watching for clearance sales for a bow for the boss and we'll have the whole crew slinging arrows next year.
My nephew. I got him started when he was 13; gave him a bow, a treestand, etc., and he loves it still. I just gave him my backup bow this year because after I refurbished he loved it. I have shot bows since I was kid but around the time I turned 25 I decided I didn't want to rifle hunt anymore and bought a use Bear compound bow. It's been all archery ever since.
My Dad, and my 13 year old son is a buck magnet!! We only bowhunt, keeping the tradition going in the family.
I started, then my Dad followed. Still trying to convince my brother to start but he's content on gun hunting.
For now just me. I'm tying to convince my dad to put down the slug gun and pick up a bow. The girlfriend is interested but she doesn't know if she could kill a deer. She likes to sit in the blind or 2man stand with me but she's never been there for a kill. Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk 2