Not the screens, just my fingers! I go to a lot of concerts, sporting events, and other functions with large groups of people. Plus having three kids all in elementary school, and my wife working at a preschool doesn't help. If there's something going around, I'm going to get it.
How weird is that? China is the source of covid and yet they would have us believe they are experiencing their 1st major outbreak. What a freaking joke.
Agreed. And the sources he restarted seem a bit biased. Just pointing out we still have heavy supply chain dependence on their cheap goods and parts. If there is some validity that China is seeing an uptick in cases and/or locks down again, and our economy is already in, or teetering on, recession...
I've had it twice, test confirmed. I just got over being sick for about 5 days, didn't bother testing but think it may have been my 3rd time with it. Fever, headache, stuffed up, coughing so much my ribs are sore. Influenza A is going around right now too, but in my experience the flu is worse symptoms than what I just had. Three people at work in the last week have been confirmed as positive for covid, we haven't had any for a good 6 months before that. My mom and one of my Nieces have not had it yet. My boss at work possibly has not had it yet. But he had a nasty illness about November "before it all started", when they claim it wasn't here yet.
I don't believe that. But they weren't very forthcoming not cooperative with info when this mess started. US MSM hardly reports on any intl news and China has state run media. There is also the outstanding question of US involvement with overseas 'bio research' since Nixon allegedly ended these programs...#foilhat
Yea, I doubt you had the flu… if you had it you would know it. It’s like 2 weeks where everything hurts even your bones and skin. Painful to sit still, painful to move… It’s awful. It’s kind of like actual food poisoning where if you think you might have had it then you most definitely didn’t because if you did have it then you wouldn’t be questioning it.
Well I knew I should have not have said anything! Got a call yesterday from my oldest that her whole family has the dreaded crud. Looks like our Xmas get together will be put on hold for awhile.
Well will test my COVID fight body again. As I sit it my basement with my daughter who has COVID and is supposed to leave for Bahamas in two days for her college graduation gift. I bought insurance for her trip, still will be out 3000 bucks. Oh life Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have not. Think you have to go to dr to get tested tho. I actually haven't really had anything the whole time. Once before everything started and a few months back felt like death for bout a day and half but never had anything to warrant getting tested or even goin to doctor. Oh no vax either. Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk
yep, no damn jabs, no virus for me .. 100% healthy (other than eating to much punkin' pie for the holidays) and still taking my Vit. C, D3 and Zinc ....... any healthy person that is still getting jabbed is a f'n idiot .... hell, many jabbed are dropping dead, 'suddenly' ... I'd hate to be a person who has had multiple jabbs, just waiting for the immune system to implode, dont know if you'll make it thru the day and be a obit. reading "so & so dies suddenly, no 'cause' given" .... ... ..... hundreds dropping dead "suddenly" with no apparent cause, many healthy and or having an immune system that has been trashed by the jabbs ... Vaxicarditis, Vaccidents, and Vaccimentia All to INCREASE Thanks to Wuhan Spike Protein “Boosters” and Toxic Seasonal Flu Shots Clots are clumps that occur when a liquid hardens or coagulates into a solid. The mRNA Covid vaccines give instructions to human cells to create millions, if not billions, of microscopic spike proteins or ‘prions’ that are now realized by scientists to have the ability to attract heavy metals and coagulate or clot in the vascular system. Most people think of blood clots when they hear the word “clot,” but coroners and embalmers are finding strange, white, rubbery clots in Covid-vaccinated bodies, and these fibrous clots are just as deadly, if not more so, than blood clots. These vaccine-induced clots are driving massive inflammation in the body, collecting in cleansing organs, invading ovaries, and even spreading into the heart and brain. What happens when a few billion sheeple start getting Covid boosters loaded with more spike proteins, and influenza “flu” shots, some of which contain mercury (listed as thimerosal on multi-dose jabs)? Heart attacks, strokes, seizures, and dementia can’t all be blamed on “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” forever, as the truth is ‘clotting up’ and rearing its ugly head Nearly every chronic health issue that anyone suffers seems to be exacerbated by the spike protein invasion that comes from incessant prions created by the mRNA jabs. People who already have certain cancers, such as T-cell lymphoma, are experiencing “turbo cancer” where tumors suddenly grow at exponential rates. Even people who are perfectly healthy (like military members and professional athletes) are suffering suddenly from myocarditis, pericarditis, irregular heartbeats, and heart attacks.
Well my daughter is just about back to normal She lost her hearing for 2 days, it has come back. The trip to Bahamas was canceled and after holding my daughter who cried from 3:00 am to 6:00 am x-mas day I still have not tested postive for COVID My wife after having long COVID has not either. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll just insert woman there and agree. There is a reason he thinks I'm losing my hearing. Old age gave me a auto mute to certain