Took 2 shots had the reaction, not on steroids. I don't feel so dumb because I know exactly how I was exposed from the wife. My wife would not change comforting her grandson even knowing she would get covid, I would not change our isolation plan either, except when I kissed her goodnight. Layer cake flower buds is the secret, relieves the ****iness of it. I feel very fortunate.
I do have a confession I was feeling good this morning I was going to do my weekend WMA cruise to check for garbage and go to the grocery store because I wanted rolls, I asked the wife if she wanted anything from the store, she said Timothy so I knew she had thoughts she was going to share, and she was right I had zero business going to the grocery store.
First week back to school and both my boys are sick, and they gave the crud to me as well. Nobody is C19 positive but we all have common cold symptoms - sore throat, cough, stuffy nose. I hate being sick. Working from home today so I don't bring it into the office. ^ Jab-induced Parkinson's and Cruetzfeld-Jacobs.
So an interesting thing happened Saturday with the MIL. She apologized to my wife and I for pressuring us as much as she did to get vaccinated. Things got so bad with her that she and my wife were not speaking to each other for about a month last summer before my FIL started declining before he passed in October. She said that if she had known that there would be a direct causational link to the vaccine and heart problems she never would have pressured us, and, probably would not have gotten the vaccines herself. I graciously thanked her and restrained myself from commenting about her life would be easier if she had listened to me about other things as well. Sadly, trying to reason with someone who has mental health problems and depression is often a futile effort.
It says a lot about her having the courage even to admit she was wrong and apologize at all. Kudos to her and you for not rubbing her nose in it.
I said nothing to my liberal sister who stooped her kids shots after 1 round because of my wife's issue. Funny how conservatives tend to take the high road.
I complete agree, that was by far the most courageous show of integrity and maturity I have ever seen from her.
Figured I would mow part of the lawn yesterday, got half done and went in the house to cool down. laid down and on the couch and fell asleep and slept till the wife got home at 9. I got up took two dummies and went to bed slept till 8:30 this morning. My pillow and sheets were saturated with sweat, so if I didn't feel a fever it broke. It rivaled any hot flash my wife ever had.
told you not to take a 2 day 'recovery' for granted. Think my fever broke about day 4, woke up soaked like that. The one lingering symptom I had after that was fatigue. I bet I slept 10hrs each night for about 2 weeks, plus a 2-3 hour nap per day. And I usually only sleep about 5 hours a night w/ no napping except maybe one on the weekend.
Funny how beer eliminates fatigue going to finish mowing at 4. followed by a shower, couple fat fingers of screwball 2 gummies and a slumber. Will test again in the morning, sometimes you need to turn up the heat to finally boot the poison.
Well boys I started feeling ****ty yesterday and after a rough night I have a fever. Let's see how this pans out Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk