a really bad cold sucks too. I used to get nasty colds, bronchitis and sinus infections that would last for 2-3 weeks all the time. For every one of your experiences, there are a dozen like mine...mild- kind of crappy cold. The virus comes for us (almost) all. I am not suggesting anyone intentionally seek it out, but unless you have known underlying conditions, at this point the virus is so mild for most that even the CDC is retreating back to treating it like a seasonal flu. Other than avoiding obviously sick people like you would normally, there is no reason to change your daily routine. Also, sounds like you went back to work too early. One thing I find consistent across the board- you should feel better for at least 3 days straight before you even attempt to go back to a 'normal' routine. Do not trust a 1 or even 2 day recovery. Knocked my wife on her butt, she relapsed and it added at least 3 days to her saga. Luckily for me she was 2-3 days ahead of me in symptoms, so I learned from her mistake. I learned from her mistake. I learned from her mistake. I learned from her mistake. ...sorry, just felt good to be able to type that out knowing it was legit.
So, who hasn't gotten covid yet besides Sota and me ?? I am surprised my wife hasn't gotten it with working at a college. They have had a lot of employees get it. Quite a few have had it twice.
honestly, at this point- who HAS NOT got the virus yet? I think we had a running tally of that but it kind of faded away.
I haven't officially got it yet...but then again I worked midnights and felt like dog S from time to time so I probably had it three times.
https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/p0811-covid-guidance.html Looks like pure bloods win Guess I'm not a conspiracy theorist after all Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I tested positive but never had symptoms. Never would have tested if not for the work policy at the time requiring testing for all employees who had a family Member they live with test positive. 2 of my 3 kids tested positive, none ever had symptoms, just the wife who had a rough few days. @Sota probably would have tested Positive at some point, especially after his wife got sick, had he botheres to be tested. I am convinced that the are far more people out there, unvaccinated, that would probably test positive but never will because they are asymptomatic and don’t know they have been exposed, than the CDC wants to admit, millions more.
I and my wife were sick about 3 weeks ago, and both tested negative. I have yet to have a positive test is the way I will word it.
I got tested yesterday and I do not have antibodies so evidently I have never had it, tested again at home this morning, still not it. My wife is not feeling so good.
I agree with you on taking it easy and rest. But for me I'm not so lucky. Self employed and if I don't work I don't get paid. So I work no matter what. It takes a pretty big sickness to stop me and this past covid was one of them. Luckily I work alone and don't have to worry about infecting anyone else. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I officially had it, so I'm out. I normally wouldn't test for it. But my wife is a RN and see test everyone in the family everytime they are sick. I contacted the sick person on a Saturday night. Also the alcohol thing is false, because I drank so much that night I almost blacked out. To much moonshine! Haha. Monday night I started feeling weird and felt a sickness coming on. Tuesday and Wednesday were worst days with high fevers. I tested Tuesday and it was negative. Then retested on Thursday and it was a instant positive. This was after I was over my worst symptoms. Just some info for you all if interested. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Wife is finally up this morning and feels like crap, she got bit. She says she doesn't need a test to tell her.
I've had it twice. Got it early on, ran a fever for 7 days, lost taste and smell, body aches, cold sweats, lots of sinus pressure. No cough. Was pretty puny for several days after other symptoms went away, it was about day 14 or 15 before I felt 100% again. About 5 months later I got the vax. Three months after that my son tested positive. He was sick for about 1-1/2 days and then back to his normal self. My wife got symptoms and tested positive the day after he did, she felt pretty cruddy for a couple days and had a bad cough for a good week and a half. Three days after son got it, I got symptoms, mild fever and no energy. I felt fine again after two days.
If I had it, it was February 2020 when I was at the PA Outdoor Expo. I was so sick the last day I was there. Went to the doctor 3x that week because I oculdn't breathe. So, as for me, no positive test. Many exposures - just living life. Noone in our immediate family (my side) has had it.
My wife and I got tested after an encounter with our daughter who later tested positive. Our tests were 4 and 5 days after being with the daughter. Neither the wife or I have been sick with anything since this started. My wife says it's because i'm such a big a@@hole, covid wants nothing to do with me. My response was "what is YOUR excuse"? Some time later that day, I woke up on the floor...
Funny my wife said the same thing to me, I told her it serves many purposes, and I am really good at it.
Dr. Believes I had it the XMas before it got named....was vaccinated and got really sick. Hubby no vaccine then In March or June we both got it he brought it home. He did not get as sick as me and it lasted a few day after we finally went to Dr. And tested. Had to go on inhalers. Me, it lasted nearly 2 weeks and I take all those supplements as well. They never told us which variant we had. I now do not know anyone that has not had it in the family or the area.