Like I said you might want to go watch Dr Campbell..he goes right off data is MUTATING. it is expected to hit the general population. China was net working with natural Monkey pox.. They were producing their own varient to research. What ever, I'll revisit this again in few month....... ..
Sorry I'm not buying this- what's the end goal? Monkeypox basically mimics shingles. Which as everybody knows is chickenpox. If you're going to weaponize something, why not use smallpox? From what I've read, the monkey pox vaccine is basically the shingles vaccine.
I thought I read that month or so ago but as big tech does, the article is gone. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
As of today, less than 430 kids between age 0-5 years have supposedly died from covid. Reduce that by 25% and you probably get the real statistic. So maybe 300 kids over nearly 3 years. But they want to mass inject our little ones even as the human body is changing to more effectively fight off the virus, naturally. Come on man.
I still subscribe to the NY Times because it's relatively inexpensive, not all of their articles are trash, and I do like to read opposing viewpoints from time to time. Last week I got an email with the subject line "Relief for parents". It was all about vaccine approval for 0-5-year-olds, and contained nuggets like this: Yes, people are insane. But, in all fairness, they do include this info as well: So there you have it. A NY Times article with both sides of the story being represented. Amazing, isn't it?
7 days into our vacation and me, my middle daughter (7), sister and her son (5) are waiting for covid tests to get back from the pharmacy. I have slight fever, slight headache, and bad muscle cramps in my knees. Hope it’s negative and we all got some 24hr bug or something.
Day 3 of it and we all feel 100%. Hopefully it stays that way. The worst part for me was the body aches. Mainly in my knees and calves. Then into my back. Made sleeping hard. Other than that the headache and fever broke on first night. My sister had horrible headache as her worst symptom. Both kids mainly had upset stomachs and higher fevers. Crazy how it effects everyone differently
I started dosing the D, C, Zinc, magnesium, potassium. We have a memorial for mother in law, a family picnic Sunday then a family reunion next week.end. Told hubby to do the same but hhhmmm deaf ears. Glad your all doing better.
Saw a good job open in St Louis. Feeling pretty good about it until.......the mandatory covid shots. F off
You could apply for a religious exemption if offered. Look in nearby small towns or counties outside major metropolitan areas. Doubtful they have the luxury of turning away applicants for that reason.
I'm telling you brother, take it easy even though you feel 100%. You are in exactly the spot where most of us who get it have a relapse. Just chill out for a couple more days before you do anything physical.
It's been since Jan 1st since my wife first had it and she still does. The virus is now in the walls of her large intestines and she is working on getting it out. Do what Dnoddles stated to take the week. Jen went back to work in the middle of Jan had a relapse and has not been back since. Long covid is a nightmare