Wife and kids are positive so we are out of society for 10 days. my test was negative. the kids had fevers but never really quit doing anything. they were far sicker over the winter with colds, flu, and RSV. Im going to finish up a yard project and then get the bow out this week.
After 20 months, I think I can say that I have made almost a complete recovery from Covid. For the last several weeks I have had enough energy for the first time since to start being active and doing some walking and light lifting. I have lost 15 pounds and life is becoming more normal and a lot more fun! I have been trimming trees, cleaning flower beds, doing maintenance projects at my office and cabin and home and still have energy to irritate my wife and play golf a couple of times a week. To those of you suffering from long-covid, don't give up on the chance of recovery. I still get the headaches and occasional joint pain, but it is a far cry from not having enough energy to want to live. I guess we will see how my weak-azz deals with the funky-monkey.
That's crazy, good finally getting back to normal. Was talking to someone over weekend and said their brother still doesn't have semse of smell after little over a year. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I just want to take the time to say F You to all the people who hated the unvaccinated, do you feel like a dumb ass now, do you feel stupid because you trusted the government, do you feel ashamed?
Fully vaccinated, double-boosted Fauci tests positive for COVID Dr. Anthony Fauci, 81, has contracted COVID-19. The fully vaccinated and double-boosted doctor is experiencing "mild symptoms," according to the NIH
The commercials on the radio about getting your children vaccinated? Who is going to do that at this point?
Tell that person to hit their brother with bear spray. I'm not kidding. Will flush out all their sinus cavities and relieve the pressue on the nerves which are the cause of that loss of senses. My buddy was experiencing same issues months after recovering otherwise- he is SWAT and they have to recertify every year and getting hit with a full blast of pepper spray is part of that. Cleared him out and his senses returned immediately after. ...and if I'm wrong, you're buddy still gets to blast his brother with pepper spray, which is pretty fun.
So to those that may listen or rather read my post...remember my monkey pox post?..hmmmm COVID was RNA virus...monkey pox DNA. RNA virus have a common variant increase /change... DNA not as much ,not common at all. Remember what I said about China manipulated and made their own monkey pox...hmmm now in the UK they have found ...MULTIPLE momkey pox MUTATIONS They are expecting it to leave the sexual contact realm to the general population soon. Here we go folks your next pandemic. You tube Dr Campbell. Money pox multiple mutations