cant even find the nets any longer for them around here ... use to be on the local Chicago TV Channel 9(WGN) news when the season opened and guys over there were out on the piers for them, running the nets down lines into the water along those piers ... we went off the beaches, waders and staked out the 5 ft x 10-12 ft long nets which were on Poles into 3- 5 ft water, checked them every 20-30 minutes or so, we would get 5 gallon buckets full of 'em, we would also wade out and cast Rapala's in the mean time and pick off a few of the big Browns that would follow the smelt inshore ... there were dozens of families out at night along the State park and local beaches, it was a big deal here, it was fun back in High School and after I got out of the USMC back in the '80's ...
rarely. because at the first sign of one I start megadosing. But up until I was about 29 (before I started doing this) if I got a sniffle it was about guranteed to turn into a 2 week ordeal, from cold to bronchitis to sinus infection. No, not a smoker. oh, addendum to my earlier post- I also have HBP and my wife does not. Another risk factor compared to her.
Still no covid for me or the wife, or my daughters family. Rural Minnesota middle finger to the whole covid nonsense.
I flew home from the Dominican Republic yesterday, mask adherence was 50% at best in the Punta Cana international airport. They only wear them because the “civilized” make them. 1 of 4 security officers had masks. Workers at the resorts wore masks because they would be fired if they didn’t and their families would actually starve.
Soooo you really want to get another jab ?? ... it has been said that the "vaccines" destroy a persons immune system, well, here is proof under microscopic study by researchers showing what is in these "vaccines" and BIG pharma, Pfizer/Fauci is covering it up ... start the vid at 3:57 ... many questions need to be answered and more yet to come ... btw, you wont hear about this on CNN/MSNBC or Fox, thats for damn sure ...
So my voice..pretty bad. I joked that I have Covid voice then thought...Hhhmmmm maybe I should look this up. SOB! It's an actual thing...This may have perminately damaged my vocal cords. Now that wouldn't normally bother me. I mean any excuse not to have to talk . Though I'm was a dang good turkey caller with my natural voice and Turkey seasons coming.
well daaayum, ANOTHER falls to the CCP cold, er ah Virus ..... these "vaccines" are working just so damn good at preventing and stopping the spread of the CCP virus(s) ..... “Fully Vaccinated and Boosted” Nancy Pelosi Has Covid — Was She Quadruple-Jabbed? Whether she has been triple- or quadruple-jabbed, the reality remains the same. The vaccines have been a complete failure at preventing the spread of Covid-19 and may be contributing to the continued spread of the disease, according to some scientists. There has been a string of Covid infections popping up among prominent figures in Washington DC, including Barack Obama, Jen Psaki, and several on Capitol Hill, including Pelosi.
Shanghai reporting a big outbreak… and this curious story
Masking policy was just relaxed for fully vaccinated people in nonclinical areas of the hospital. Those working in clinical areas or the unvaccinated anywhere, still have to mask. So much science and natural immunity.
Today a federal judge shot down Biden's extension of the mask mandate in airports and planes, I am now looking forward to my trip to Cayuga Indiana, why yes I would enjoy a preflight cocktail.
I do not know anyone in recent months who has tested positive, probably since I tested positive December 20th. With the new subvariant being dominant and national average continuing to rise I think we need new data. I'll almost guarantee where it would lead. How many of the new cases are illegal/undocumented immigrants? How fast would new case numbers decline if the border was sealed? Serious questions and likely to lead to many resignations within the White House and throughout Congress. I'm convinced there is a direct correlation to the open border and the seemingly continual rise in infections.
Wife went for a check up today Dr took her off all the heart pills. The damage from the vaccine has been mitigated.