The inhaler seems to be helping. Just now getting up and moving didn't make me dizzy for the first time. I still sound like....Gilbert Gottfried though.
Keep up the good fight, eff China and their virus. Sucks you are dealing with their creation even though vaccinated with their cure. I took Zinc, D³, C and multivitamins in excess for 2 weeks. You got this!
Thanks I've been taking all that daily since Covid first arrived in the country. 11 pills daily. Be it Covid or any other upper respiratory illnesses I will always get slapped hard with them. It's a life long issue . Just need to get hubby completely clear of this thing,so I can relax.
I will be very glad when you beat this. The wife is asking me how you are doing ever since I told her that you and your husband came down with it. While she doesn't read the forum unless I holler at her to come read some of interesting posts/replies that she would find interesting, she has read numerous ones of yours and really enjoys them. We both are thinking of you two !!
Thank you, your kind word's.... well I can't express my appreciation. I'm Blessed in many ways ,we could have gotten Delta before it died out. This gives one perspective on many things..
I wonder ......... does this really have an effect? My wife has been taking all of that stuff for a very long time. Long before we both got sick. I don't take any of it other than what I get from what I eat. I recovered twice as fast as her and had less symptoms. She has also fought through another congested head and cough since being sick. Me ..... nothing and we are in the same places when she's not at work.
It does make me wonder ,that said, I know that a lack of vitamin D is damaging for me and I do not retain D. I also know that magnesium stops the debilitating leg cramps I started getting in my 40's. The rest of it...Well who knows,as long as it doesn't harm I'll keep flipping that coin.
Same boat, I just did not get it. Basically my wife just shuts down, I mean shuts down and can’t even move for 20 mins, it’s weird. She is the vitamin and supplements queen and I take nothing. She also is still having heart issues, even though every test on her heart and lungs comes back they are in perfect working order. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That I do not know, I had already bought it all a while before I actually got infected when I was exposed at work. I cannot say if it helped or not, same with the jabs, I cannot say they prevented me from getting any sicker than had I not had them. It was all the rage back when infections were high.
I am definitely a proponent of Zinc and Vitamin D. Not just for C19, any upper respiratory virus. I notice a huge difference in my colds if I start taking all that stuff the second I notice any symptoms vs. when I let it play out. I realize we are all a bit different, but usually my wife is much more resilient to colds than I am. She's naturally almost impervious, and she doesn't take anything to prevent or treat them if I come down with one. C19 was different. She came down with it 2 days before me, and soon as she got it I was megadosing with vitamins and Airborne tablets in water. Yeah, I got it too, but my upper respiratory symptoms were much milder than hers and I also recovered faster. And I am male, 10 years older, A- blood type as opposed to her all those factors, statistically I should have been worse off than her.
How often do you get colds? Do you smoke? The reason I ask is because since I quit smoking 3 years ago I haven't had a cold. Before that I would get 1 or 2 colds a season. Other than that I rarely get sick. Besides this last episode in January, I haven't been sick in at least 20 years. Injured yes but sick no.
Been on 500-1000mg Vit. c/50-100mg Zinc/50-100mg D3 almost every day for almost 40 years and never had the flu and very very few 'colds' and still no CCP virus, and if I get a cold it is only for 2-3 days, I double-triple the amounts of the vitamins and green tea if I feel a cold coming on ... Green Tea, a cup or two daily, and I also live off of black Tea (Sun Brewed-no damn sugar), only 2-3 cups of coffee in the Am friggin' sodas either, and only an occasional beer, esp. after a long hot run in the summer, other than that a lot of tea and water ... apples, bananas, fruit, salads w/ tomato, steaks/BBQ'd chicken/venison every weekend in the summer and even thru winter on the grill ... ... stay away from the white breads/ heavy starches, whole grain only .... and whole grain turkey/ w- tomato and baby spinach and ranch dressing wraps for work ... healthy life ... watch your weight also and dont f-n smoke !! ... 64 and still running 3-10+ miles 3-5 days a week (esp. in the warmer months), not to mention all the 1-2 mile walk ins with 35-40 lbs of stand/sticks/ clothing & gear on my back come deer season ... eat healthy, live a long healthy life (hopefully).... try to mitigate what you can ...
Yeah, I don't do any of that. I can't stand tea of any kind. To me it tastes like water that was scraped out of an old moldy barrel. I don't drink a lot of water either. I do drink quite a bit of mountain dew soda, beer occasionally and like me some jameson! Even though I own a bar I usually only go there socially once or twice a week. I have 2 cups of coffee every day and have cereal for breakfast. Lunch and supper is whatever I make. Love grilled meat and pasta dishes. I have a sweet tooth like you wouldn't believe and am surprised that I'm not diabetic. Except for the sodas I've eliminated most other sweets from my diet. My exercise is in the form of physical work. I'm chomping at the bit for the weather to warm up so I can get back at it. I would like to lose 20 - 25 pounds. I'm going to start walking my trails in the mornings with my dogs. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
Here is some good news if you go watch Dr Campbell... he had info from Africa that....Covid is essentially gone there. He has been detailing the progression of covid as it has gone in Africa it progressed across the world. So it won't be long
Mountain Dew ?? ... one of the worst things to drink there is health wise, as is any of the diet crap out there ... water cleans the system, keeps the kidneys fresh, hydrated and blood flowing .... Ive been drinking tea since I was a kid, no sugar/ no honey... white sugar is poison ... but I do love my punkin' pies around the holidays, only then do I go for 'em .. only a smidgen of candy, and thats tough as I could live off of chocolate/Reese's & fudge ... honey only on my cereal (Bran Flakes) or Grape Nuts/Shredded Wheat .... pasta is tough, as I also love it, esp. Lasagna .. I could eat a whole tray at one sitting... just got to watch the quantity ... wish I could get more fish, limited fishing time right now, cant get to the steelhead streams 'cause of work, and it is very expensive as store bought... sometimes Tilapia is on sale/bagged/10 big fillets and I'll feast then ... Smelt is showing up again in the store freezers, I used to go after them every spring along Lake Michigan shores netting at night, havnt done that in over 20 years, so it is store bought when they have 'em .. I love smelt, a local bar/restaurant does all you can eat on Fridays when in season or for take out with Hush Puppies, that is damn good .. ...
The weather warmed and A.J. and I took a 1 mile SLOW walk to check land.. of course got caught in rain half way in. Still great but Dang! I'm TIRED!!!!.
I'm not crazy about fish but I do enjoy fresh caught panfish (bluegills). The local sportsman club just had it's second and last of the seasons smelt fry. It is a big attraction around here. I used to go down to Lake Michigan as a kid and watch the smelt fishermen catch them. I'm not sure if they even do that anymore.