So if you [inset whatever emoji you deem necessary for yourself (personally, I would choose snowflake)] get your information from a particular website or media source then that site infallible but all other media sources are incorrect, anti-whatever, and socialist propaganda? Got it... Just want to make sure that I am understanding you correctly.
Ps... Hubby had gone to visit grandsons the Wensday before first symptoms hit. Then Son came for a visit after we both started showing signs we thought were allergies. I had actually joked we had covid and best be careful. His response was been there had that. Got the call today whole family is sick. What is up with this spell check!!!! Bad enough can't turn off, it writes what ever it wants but by now it should recognize the word vivid (covid) but it just won't unless I type and click my spelling in the bar
that is BS and any doctor/health care 'professional' that told you that should have their license revoked. 10 days out is normal, plenty of examples that up to 14 days out may still be effective.
sorry to hear that. I am 100% sure that I got it from my wife 1-2 days before she showed symptoms. She had an early work start scheduled for the next day so I slept in the guest room the night she woke up in middle of night with symptoms. So technically we quarantined from about 6 hours before she started having symptoms and then from that point on, 48 hours after she has symptoms, I get symptoms. If it takes 48-60 hours to incubate, that means she passed it to me at least one full day before she had any symptoms. ...and I didn't even get to get it the fun way, either.
that is because the jabs seriously hurt ones immune system ... studies in the UK/Sweden and elsewhere are showing that ... Our gvmnt/Big Pharma is covering that up ... 70+ yrs is what Pfizer wanted to release their documents ?? ... what are they afraid of .. what are they covering up ?? ... the info that has been released isnt looking good for them, and there are THOUSANDs more to go ...
yup, your an O'biden bot ... got it ........ I'll get straight to it, as I dont mince words .. are your really this naïve, were you born like that, or did you acquire this as later in life as thru a liberal school ... asking for a friend ... I use the terms "News Sites" loosely here as they are nothing but an arm of the Democrat/Socialist/Communist party ... just what news outlets LIED about Russia Collusion, what news sites lied about Benghazi, What news sites pushed the false narratives of Clinton/Mueller/Comey/Steele and the Dossier .. what about the lies/Narratives pushed by MSNBC/CNN et al. of Rittenhouse and Sandmann/Covington Catholic ... the false narratives of Juicy Smollett pushed by the fake news media(FNM) .. what sites defend the manhandling of O'Biden/Creepy Uncle Joe and young girls/children ... what news sites supported the riots/looting of Antifa and BLM ?? ( so called 'peaceful protests) ... What news sites buried the Hunter Biden Jr. laptop story ... What news sites pushed the lies of Impeachment/Ukraine ... What news sites pushed the Bubba Wallace Hoax ? ... What news sites are pushing 'Pack the Court' when it comes to SCOTUS ... What news sites are pushing the Transgender/LBCqdefg bullshit ... what "news sites" are supporting/pushing the lies of 'Lincoln Project' .. what News sites are pushing the CRT lies ?? ... What "news ites" are pushing "defund the police" ?? ... What news sites have the most radical anti American 'reporters' on them (Joy Reid, Brian Stelter/Cuomo/Rachel Madcow, et al ) this is only a 'few' of the narratives and outright lies that YOUR precious MSM/FNM have pushed in the last several years, many are still being fed to a brain dead/liberal/democrat populace today ... luckily, more and more are walking away from the Democrat party and their nonsense, they are now waking up from the lies/narratives as it now all falling down around them and they are seeing the damages the Dems and policies are doing to their cities and to this great country
So you confirmed everything that I said above. I do not mince words either and I see that there is no way to have a civil conversation with you, and that is unfortunate. I will end the conversation by saying that you know nothing about me, the news that I consume, or how I vote so to make such assumptions just shows your ignorance.
to the beaver .. when the facts get to tough to handle, the butthurt head to their cry closets, be sure to close the door, dont want to hear the sobbing .. ...
wheres the fun in that .. facts always get in the way of the dem/lib/socialist's and their whining .... I use facts and truths, libs/dems dont like it when one does that ... it upsets their lies and agenda narratives .. so, if they want to run and hide, so be it, I'll just make sure the boot hits 'em on the way out ....
back to the virus(s) and the non-vaccines many questions and answers in this article .. Why Aren’t The FDA And CDC Informing The Public About Documented Adverse Events After mRNA Injections?
The guy is not a lib he just checked a website's reputation. Listen I don't even watch fox network news, bias on either side in journalism bugs me. I went to college for communications and was taught to be a professional people who hear, watch or read your reporting do not know what your political alignment is. I know in this era of reporting that the mindset no longer applies. I miss reporting when it was just the facts.
The wife is out of work, and my guess is retired by EOY. I am not going to tell you how many trips I have made to the ER, I do know most by name now.