ask yourself ... Why is the CDC so damn afraid of allowing all the documents to come out on the "vaccines" ? ... Why ?? The Real Reason Health Officials Stopped Reporting Covid-19 Deaths The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has stopped mandatory hospital reporting of COVID-19 deaths and the CDC is hiding data about the effectiveness of the booster shots in people aged 18 to 64, or those least likely to benefit from the shot The New York Post notes the FDA overruled an expert advisory committee and the CDC overruled their own experts to promote the booster to all age groups. Scientists must use Israeli data, which show little to no difference in those boosted or not boosted until people are over age 65 The CDC justifies not releasing the data saying it was “not ready for prime time,” as it would be misinterpreted and is based on 10% of the population, or the same sample size that has been used for influenza statistics for years Data from independent researchers and insurance companies recording all-cause death rates show the number who have died in 2021 after the release of the vaccine far exceeds the all-cause death rate in 2020 during the height of the infection It is easy to understand why the HHS and CDC want to hide this data from scrutiny as it’s more difficult to ignore with each passing day that the infection didn’t kill the number of people health experts claimed and that the vaccine is killing far more than the virus is waaaay more in depth info at link ..
That second one sounds like it is going for genetic manipulation to eliminate Down' Syndrome and other similar special needs. I am I crazy for thinking that?
Vaccine-Injuries SKYROCKET: Two Months into 2022, Vaccine-Related Myocarditis Reports in VAERS Have Surged to Nearly Half the Total Reported in 2021
maybe this jackass should have went for jab #4 ...... suuuure those "vaccines" stop the CCP virus dont they of MILLIONS of break through infections ... Triple-Jabbed Barack Obama Tests Positive for Covid Allegedly “fully-vaccinated” and “boosted” Barack Obama has tested positive for Covid-19 and is showing symptoms. His wife, Michelle, has tested negative. “I just tested positive for COVID. I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise. Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative. It’s a reminder to get vaccinated if you haven’t already, even as cases go down.” (only an idiot thinks this) ... I say he is “allegedly” triple-jabbed because I’ve started questioning whether any of the globalist elites are actually getting the Covid injections or if they’re lying. It’s conspicuous that despite the massive number of adverse reactions being reported every day, we never hear about the people at the top of the globalist food chain experiencing negative effects from the jabs they allegedly get. It’s just as easy to get jabbed with saline as it is with the so-called “vaccines.” Of course, Obama used this positive test result as an opportunity to claim he’s grateful for getting injected and to encourage others to do the same. As we’ve noted many times, there is no way to know if getting injected mitigated the damage done by Covid on an individual, so when they say they’re better at fighting the infection than if they were not vaccinated, they’re gaslighting.
Never ever trust BIG pharma to tell the truths Naomi Wolf Confirms Big Pharma Was Adding Varying Amounts of Active Ingredient to Batches of COVID Vaccine (VIDEO) Former Clinton adviser and COVID Vaccine critic Naomi Wolf joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Monday morning. Naomi shared her latest bombshell from her investigation into the Pfizer vaccine documents released by the US government on their COVID vaccine testing. Naomi’s team of investigators, doctors and attorneys identified several US government documents that confirm that Pfizer was adding varying amounts of active ingredient to their experimental COVID vaccines. According to the data, the range of dangerous active ingredient went from 3μg, to 10μg, to 30μg, to 100μg depending on the batch they happened to inject you with. As Naomi mentioned, this ties in directly with the website “How Bad Is My Batch” that was created so you could track how many adverse reaction incidents were linked to the vaccine batch you were given. Now there is proof via AMA documents that they are distributing different doses of the active ingredient in the COVID vaccines based on batch number.
Isn't it weird that the liberal Karens and their milque toast husbands all hated big pharma before covid and now they are militant supporters. I will be honest the more prominent liberals push something the lesser likely I am to do it. Why because? I do not trust them.
it is NOT necessary ... it it simply and truthfully is NOT necessary .... period..... only for the Benjamins that line the pockets of these turdblossom BIG pharma types and for those already on deaths door step .. he can kiss my ass ..
Heck even if 10% of the first world believe this 1,000,000,000x.10=100,000,000 at $20 a dose selling price… 20 billion is a good pay day. I get there are other manufacturers but it comes down to $$$ at the end of the day. Something a lot of people have been calling out since day one. We are coming up on the 2 year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. Had they called it “y’all just wait till the vaccine comes out and the rich will make billions of dollars” what would have happened?
So with the new China-Flu outbreak in China causing shutdowns again, have new travels bans went back up or do we not learn from the past? With Russia/Ukraine on going and China wanting Taiwan wouldn't doubt if this new wave isn't malicious in nature to set off the Taiwan invasion.
Here we effen go again... What do They do when the virus is so mild nobody feels the need to get tested even IF symptomatic? Well, They test our poop- Get ready for the CrapIcron Variant!