Out-of-state Cubs fans? That was my only reason. A game at Wrigley was worth it, no reason to return now.
It’s soo damn funny. Now the Dummies are trying to label him as a monster and all this, meanwhile they’re all hanging out with no masks on. MERICA’ “Let’s not forget that just 36 hours ago, Joe Biden and the radical Democrat hypocrites were parading around the Capitol without masks, and without so much as a peep from the corporate press, but suddenly permitting children to unmask is ‘unacceptable,’” the campaign email reads.
Want to guess who, other than me and older people were wearing masks in Wal-Mart the other day...I'll give you a hint.. it's a teaching college town....
if one want to wear em, go ahead .... if one wants jabbed, its should be your choice ... neither work effectively .... just saw an article about MO, where out of 15K deaths, 1500 of those were deaths were triple jabbed .. safe and effective .... not really ....
In MN out of 12,172 deaths 1,777 of them were “fully vaccinated” of course they don’t say 15% of covid deaths in MN occurred in fully vaccinated people they say it is .05% of the number of vaccinated.
Talking to a woman who's 40 yr old daughter got vaccinated and immediately had heart problems. After 9 months of hospitalizations ,medications and specialist they finally said it was the vaccines that caused this. Told not to get another. She is in the medical field. Next year she will be due for another round. They already told her she will be fired...WTH! If the pharmaceutical companies can not be sued...than the companies forcing these shots should be sued. It is pure black mail.
I'm ready to start calling it the Fauci Flu. Who else would you think was in Trump's ear talking about a fast tracked "vaccine" but it would require immunity to the makers and developers, along with a host of others. China effed the world with their errors and deception afterwards, but Fauci helped fund and aided in the deception for a long while after the obvious came to light. Fauxi is a doosh bag and should face some sort of public trial for his covering up of his institutes funding in this. Don't hang him, drown him...
In a water boarding type of way. He and the pharmaceutical researchers have used us and are in a desperate mode trying to use our kids as "beagles". The latest info proving these shots are NOT doing anything to stop covid in kids. That's main stream reporting this.
Is that in reference to alcoholic diet or being serious? I have to be there by 7:15 a.m. Monday. Cleanse will start with mostly liquids and soft food, eggs , chicken bone broth tomorrow ..might do a keto chow. I fast 18 to 20 hrs a day anyways. Though my 3 hr hikes have been giving me cravings. I just got back from one. Thank God for sparkling water...I'm addicted to it.non sweet. But flavored. I'm not looking forward to Sunday I have a seriously finicky stomach I'll be lucky to keep this stuff down... thank heavens this time I can use Gator aide or propel. Even smell can cause projectile...when my stomach gets triggered
he can stay lost .... actually just read where he was on a woke podcast telling lies again .... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/...ds-vaccine-misinformation-on-woke-af-podcast/
Serious. 48 hours before is much better than 24-no matter if your bowels move each day. Hopefully, your prep is Surprep. Only a total of 32 oz to drink (16 per dose) instead of 64 with something like Fleet. I find drinking it with a straw (so you get it back in the throat) to be the best method. Surprep is done 12 hours before the "hose treatment". If your doc/prep instructions are for longer, I feel sorry for you.
Neither over the counter prep in gator aid or propel. Miralax and Dulcolax It starts with the liquid fast at nine but I started liquid yesterday with a scrambled egg breakfast early and some plain Greek yogurt a little later. This morning is beef broth then I 'll have a little chicken broth. At 4 pm I start drinking the prep 64oz, 1 cup every 15 mins.. then 6pm 4 pills. So we are under a high wind electrical outage today and over night....looks like a good soak this morning and filling in case it's a sponge bath tomorrow morning. At least it will be 67 today Thank you for the tips.....bottoms up... hahahaha