What about the videos on the news of hospital workers with 3 different kinds, do they have to buy their own? Curious.
safe/effective ?? ..... yea, suuuuure it is .... the list of adverse/severe reactions goes on forever ..... mind blowing !! ..... see link for the full list ..... no wonder Pfizer didnt want any of this released .....still want the jabs ?? ... https://bigleaguepolitics.com/bombs...vere-adverse-reactions-following-inoculation/ Pfizer Doc Analyzes Numerous Severe Adverse Reactions Following Inoculation A newly released document featuring data pertaining to adverse reactions following a round of Pfizer’s Covid-19 inoculations has been making rounds on the internet. Details of the document were damning, revealing a massive number of observed adverse reactions beginning on page 30. The list is exhaustive, continuing seemingly endlessly until its conclusion about 8 pages later. It appears that much of the information in the document was hidden from the public in the past, with a blurb on the first page explaining that “dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited.” The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or other dissemination of this information outside of Pfizer, its Affiliates, its Licensees, or Regulatory Agencies is strictly prohibited. Except as may be otherwise agreed to in writing, by accepting or reviewing these materials, you agree to hold such information in confidence and not to disclose it to others (except where required by applicable law), nor to use it for unauthorized purposes. 5.3.6-postmarketing-experience-1Download The number of adverse events listed remained numerous. One notable condition found in Pfizer’s data is 1p36 deletion syndrome, which the National Library of Medicine describes as “a disorder that typically causes severe intellectual disability.” They also point out the severity of the disease, noting that “most affected individuals do not speak, or speak only a few words” and “may have temper tantrums, bite themselves, or exhibit other behavior problems.” The “Adverse Events of Special Interest” identified from pages 30-38 can be found below: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/bombs...vere-adverse-reactions-following-inoculation/
I have no problem with choice, wear them until their hearts are content. Just don't try to shame me for not wearing one or force their choice on me.
Our gracious Governor lifted the mask mandate on Monday and I would venture to guess 25-40% of people in the area are still wearing them indoors. The closer you get to Chicago, the more masks you see people wearing.
I'm out in LA this week and I'd say it's been about 50/50 non masked out in public. Went to a restaurant up near Calabasas yesterday for lunch and they had jab pass and mask required signs everywhere, but were not enforcing it. I guess the night before couple of my guys tried to eat at a Olive Garden (don't ask me why) in the vicinity and were told no entry without jab passport. Presented with news articles showing the Governor had lifted the mandates they were still told no entry. The one guy had his from NY but it showed his last jab was 6mos ago and he was still denied.
That's fine, I've always hoped for a lock tight method of how to spot morons before you have to speak to them.
'safe/effective' my ass ..... Official data: Fully vaccinated people account for 9 of 10 COVID deaths England report demolishes last remaining argument for getting shots The fully vaccinated account for 9 of every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England and 4 of 5 deaths among the triple-vaccinated, according to the latest data published by the U.K. Health Security Agency. The independent British news site The Exposé reported the government report, published Feb. 22, includes a table on page 41 confirming the vast majority of deaths were among the vaccinated. About 73.5% of the population of England has been fully vaccinated, and 56.9% have received a booster shot, as of Feb. 28. **** Top health officials around the world, including in the U.S., have acknowledged that the COVID-19 vaccines have not stopped infection or transmission amid the omicron wave – the premise for vaccine mandates – but have insisted the shots prevent hospitalization and death. **** In the United States, newly published CDC data shows a massive increase in COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations since the emergence of the omicron variant among those who have been fully vaccinated. Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist and epidemiologist who is one of the leading critics of the COVID vaccines, pointed out that "reductions in hospitalization and death were never demonstrated" in randomized controlled studies. "Now, (there is) disappointment as the data come in to support what everyone has known for months," he wrote on Twitter. https://www.wnd.com/2022/03/official-data-fully-vaccinated-people-account-9-10-covid-deaths/
Because I'm wearing two filtered masks and more worried about a cold or flue right now. I have a colonoscopy on Monday and they will cancel it if I show up with just a fever. Here we still can not get into the hospital surgical area without phoning them from outside the door. Hubby is not allowed into the hospital during procedure and only allowed in recovery to help get me out. Which to me speaks more to laziness then actual health concerns. So I'm Not going through that CLEANSING just to be sent home. It's bad enough they may have to make me do it twice and a lower GI because of the way my insides are laid out.
Just like certain Police Departments get investigated by the Justice Dept, so should all of Illinois Legislators. Corruption. FOIA all emails and texts from Government phones. Get to work