Big Pharma(Merk) makes ivermectin correct? Merk also makes a COVID pill, my logical question is why make a covid pill if ivermectin works? Is it because there is a generic version of ivermectin?
prior to the scamdemic, with on-the-BigPharma-dole doctors and pharmacies basically forcing it to the gray market, ivermectin was going for about $2/pill. Patents were expired, OTC use in most countries south of the equator.
hell, I just got a notice from the Vet .. I can get prescription Ivermectin for the cats ( chewable heart pills), but yet us humans cant get it ... .. 'taint cheap however .....
Maybe... I'm surprised dnoodles didn't find this gem... Appears Ivermectin is too red.
in 2 yrs ... or was it 5 yrs, or 10 yrs ?? .... hell, its bad for them so they may never release it ...or they just may lie and release it then ...
The CDC has been tracking covid cases vaccinated vs unvaccinated and they are reluctant to release the data because it might be misinterpreted. The F'ers lied and politicians lined their pockets with stock sales and buys. The same CDC that said oxycodone is a safe pain management drug said the vaccine was safe and we all should get it.
and now they want kids under 5 to get jabbed, how many time have they been wrong during this fluster cluck ...the CDC/FDA/Fauci can KMA !! .. dont piss on my leg and tell me its raining, and yet there are still many so naïve they are STILL wearing masks at the grocery store .... I saw a double masked younger 'girl' yesterday getting into her Prius at the store (blue cloth mask w/ a black one over it), I was laughing so hard and she was looking at me as I was walking away ..... damn idiots ....
Today I was out and other than 2 others....the only one masked. I never thought I'd say this but can hardly wait till March 7th.
why are you waiting for a completely arbitrary box on a calendar? Literally nothing will change in reality. You are just bending the knee.
They have immunity though, not from the virus, but from the public and their lawyers. Another flaw from Trump likely coerced by Fauci and other traitors to his administration.
As for masks, this morning I went to the dentist. Had a crown pop off a week and a half ago. I don't have masks and never will again, figured they would have them when I checked in. Appt. was at 7:30 when they opened. Got there at 7:00 and no one there, by the time 7:30 got there 7 other cars had pulled in. Go inside as soon as they opened the doors, checked in and no offer of a mask or mention of one. Every other person coming in was masked, all staff was masked. Called back and seen in one of the office typed rooms a few were sitting in there unmasked. I never got any dirty looks that I know of and being a medical facility I'm likely going to test the waters again next month for my check up. I'll know a week before when I get some blood drawn, but I may be 100% done with masks altogether.