I saw the head line and it was concerning not for me personally, I have never heard a woman complain about it.
hell, if you live and breath, it may be a heart risk (sarcasm for those in Rio Linda).... all that is nothing but bullshit ...
Our superintendent is talking with our lawyers due to the "complexity" of the ruling before deciding what to do. For today we are still mask-required, but they have directed teachers not to discipline any students not wearing masks. I'm not sure what is so complex about a judge ruling the mandate is not legal, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules rejecting an emergency rule from the Governor earlier this week which would have extended the mask mandate, and then the Appellate court ruling that there is no appeal to be had since JCAR didn't renew the mandate. This is crystal clear - THERE IS NO LONGER A LEGAL MASK MANDATE FOR STUDENTS IN ILLINOIS. Period. It doesn't exist. If they try to find a way to keep the masks in place I may need one of you guys to bail me out of jail after next week's school board meeting.
Nothing is cut and dried to a politician... How about several of us just fly in and attend the school board meeting too? Sounds like fun and you'd have some company in the clinker.
The interpretation that's being tossed around now is that without a state-wide mask mandate for schools, each district can decide on its own what to do. Which I find difficult to believe is accurate. The result of the original lawsuit was that due process rights were being violated by forcing masks and quarantines without the order coming from the health department and students being provided due process to defend themselves. I don't understand how a school district can enact a policy forcing the same thing that was deemed unlawful without exposing themselves to additional litigation. Perhaps they will do it anyways and force the hands of the parents to open their pocketbooks and take them to court (again). CPS is standing firm and those people will be wearing masks at their own funerals. Chicago is beyond hope at this point. Let it burn for all care. If our district doesn't back down there's going to be a riot. You're all welcome to join me. I'll supply punch and pie.
We are living in a society where people just do whatever the hell they want to do. As long as a ruling fits their narrative they follow it, and if it doesn't they don't follow it.
In other news, the 5th "Go eff yourselves" chant is expected by mid summer. Getting brazen after seeing Canada's Trudeau exemplify the lefts American dream. The future is going to be, "No mask?, take another shot". Truckers in Canada were overwhelmed and held steadfast, maybe armed Americans is the way to see this through......