he's safe, a lot of them are not. This RINO-Rauner chump has no shot against him. He's prima facie evidence the virus ain't that bad. He'd got about 275 co-morbidities.
Outsider view... His own party turning on him, helps him or at least, it really doesn't hurt. He can double down on his position, knowing nothing can come from it...judges ruling and worst case, he can claim he's conceding to fed, constituency, or not...and he probably won't. If things get worse. Then he claims to be the smartest man in the room.
the legislators are just playing CYA. It's all about protecting the super majority. Even if by some miracle Prickster gets tossed out on his fat butt, if they can protect the supermajority they can ram though anything they want and override vetos. It's what they did constantly under our last 'Republican' governor...when he wasn't outright signing bills for them, that is.
They have the supermajority regardless, thanks to the most corrupt of them all Madigan. They're protecting the 2nd class now, unions and other factions needed for political gain/money. Once the pushback really starts they have no choice but to cave. Mostly for show, but always for go.
come one now, your talking about Illinois, with Crook county/Chitcago leading the way, and the corrupt down state politicians, Prikster is safe and he knows it .... the politicians/dems of N/NE Illinois of Chitcago/Crook County are to damn stupid to vote for anyone other than Democrats, they run the state .... they have tried electing Repubs before, they turn out just as bad as the dems are..... get away from that area and there are great conservative people, the problem is the population centers of Crook co/Chitcago/ Springfield far out number those else where ....
School mask mandates continue to be a massive point of contention here in the IL. - Chicago public schools started forcing the plaintiffs who were named in the lawsuit to wear masks to school this week. This is in direct violation of the judge's temporary restraining order that said they did not have to. Now the CPS is being sued for contempt of court, which is a criminal offense. - One of the local districts who is abiding by the letter of the lawsuit and only allowing named plaintiffs in the case to come to school unmasked, but requiring all others to wear masks, is now forcing those same students to wear masks if they come on school grounds for any other reason than education during school hours. So those students who participate in extracurricular sports or activities, or come to watch sporting events, must wear a mask. I'm not sure the school board and administration of this district could piss parents off anymore if they tried to. Which, oddly enough, is what it seems like they're trying to do. - There was a pretty good squabble on the IL House floor yesterday with several Republicans refusing to wear masks. When they attempted to speak, they were cut off by the Dem leaders and then they attempted to throw them off the house floor. The same leaders who, not to anyone's surprise, have been spotted not wearing masks at fundraisers and a variety of other public events. I very much appreciated this quote from a group of Republican reps. The resistance is growing by the day. Our school district is holding firm on its mask mandate still, but the cracks are forming. With each update from our Superintendent they give a little more and more information on the transition to mask-optional. Including a statement that they will abide by whatever the ruling on the State's appeal is, which should be issued on Friday.
When entire groups of peoples entire life mission is to disrupt and destroy every foundation within our country, this is the result.
Then they should wear masks. Their choice. If they believe the masks work then they have nothing to fear if they are the only one wearing them right?
It makes my eye twitch to think about the downright evil people who are controlling everything and use us as farm animals to feed their evil greedy agendas. Theyll get whats coming. In this life or the next