had my first real mask nazi encounter tonight- in a local BBQ joint, of all places. On a takeout order (attempt.) Won't bore you with the details, but the chick got a big smile, and a hearty "eat <excrement>, Nazi" and I took my money elsewhere. I picked up food there less than a month ago maskless and have been doing so this whole Trying Unprecedented time. Never had an issue before tonight. But the place was plastered with jab and mask mandate signs, and that was not the case previously. ...funny part is the governor's stupid mandates are A) Not being enforced in our town by order of the mayor, and B) expiring next week anyway
Firstly, said I wouldn't bore ya with all the details... Secondly, she wasn't worth my time. She also wasn't my intended audience. That was for everyone else in there. Lastly, effing sucks because it was not only the best smoked/bbq joint within 45 minute round trip of my house, it was only a half mile away AND I'm back on carnivore so it's the only place close by that I can just easily order various plates of meat without special ordering
I could not care less what the Aussie Prison System cares about. Goodbye January 2022, hello February 2022
dude, it's bad enough that the G keeps changing the rules every 48 hours, I (and I am sure everyone else here) can't keep up with your replying to 2 month old posts. This is Covid Country. Survival of the Fittest or at least not Obese/Geriatric. Try to catch up.
that's the spirit. I just wonder how long it took to go back and read 6 months-worth of posts on all these threads.
Anybody else more than a little concerned with what is going on in Canada? Think the US would not try this, covid is their excuse.
control is their excuse. They just declared that anyone who contributed is guilty of funding the big T word. Bank accounts subject to closure. Lots of online chatter people are talking about making a run on the banks in CA. Not sure about CA laws/regs, but people would be in for a very rude awakening if they tried that here. The amount of actual cash on hand in local banks compared to what their clients have on the books are two very separate things...and not in the client's favor. Probably less than 10% on any given day. Certainly less than 20%.
Anybody else see the story of the DoD trying suppress data on vaccination injuries in the military? We will never get the truth about this whole covid BS.
This is a very Karen thing to do, regardless of how wrong you think the employee may be. Policy is policy and if you don't like it, you're free to take your business elsewhere, which is exactly what he did. Needlessly berating employees is a complete d-bag move. My local bait shop are masks psychos and won't let you in the store without one. I typically try to support small local businesses and buy bait, tackle, sunglasses, etc there. I have now decided to take my money and spend it somewhere else. I certainly never felt the need to "go off" on the owner of the high school kids he's got working there.
On occasion a person gets treated they way they treat another, if somebody snaps at me or is rude, that is how they will get treated in return.
I won't disagree with that. But a simple comment/response and then departing the store is a fine way to handle it. Needlessly making a scene or berating someone over stupid BS is completely uncalled for. People seem to get off on acting like a-holes to store employees who they know damned well can't fight back.
I'm concerned... Canada doesn't have midterms and like US metros, liberalism is having a negative impact on both countries economies and ways of life. I also want Canada to 'return to normal' and reduce their tariffs so we can increase the flow of lumber, petro products and beer across the border to help both of our economies toward what they were some 3 years ago.
Canada will never return to normal so long as the Quebecois continue reelecting Trudeau. They had a love affair when his dad was PM in the late 70s/early 80s. Canada doesn't have term limits either.
Rinse and repeat... The lessons from ancient Greece and Rome, centuries of European monarchies...still not learned and lived over and over and over...